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Parramatta Light Rail

Parramatta Light Rail tree planting

Parramatta Light Rail tree planting and neighbourhood improvement program

2025 Parramatta Light Rail Tree Planting Program

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The first tranche of this year’s Parramatta Light Rail Tree Planting Program focuses on Carlingford and Telopea. In early March, planting will begin on the eastern side of the Active Transport Link, alongside the Light Rail.

In partnership with Transport for NSW, City of Parramatta will be planting around 80 advanced trees and more than 29,000 native shrubs.

The planned planting has considered local conditions including residents’ requests for privacy and existing tree types.

Council’s arborists have focussed on natives which will suit the location. Trees that grow to a shorter height when mature have been selected for locations under overhead powerlines, and more shallow rooted trees have been chosen for areas where there are underground utilities.

Planting is expected to continue until June.

The joint Parramatta Light Rail Tree Planting Program is one of a number of programs that aim to increase tree canopy and green cover across the Parramatta area.

Artist impression of a path with Riders and pedestrians walking along side the light rail

2024 Parramatta Light Rail Tree Planting Program

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In 2024, the City of Parramatta and Transport for NSW will partner again in a major tree planting program. Starting in March, almost 500 trees will be planted in Granville, Harris Park, Northmead, North Parramatta, Parramatta, Rosehill, and Westmead. 

Our arborists have selected a range of trees suitable for various locations with 21 tree types planned for neighbourhood streets. While the trees are primarily native, there are some exotic species, and deciduous and evergreen included. Among the selected tree types are species that are slim and tall, ideal for narrow streets, and those that are more compact, perfect for under powerlines. Planting locations also take into account maintaining access and clearance from underground utilities.

For more information, including how to become a 2024 Tree Champion, see our 2024 Parramatta Light Rail Tree Planting page.  

2023 Parramatta Light Rail Tree Planting Program

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Trees play an important role in the ‘greening’ of our City. We know that a greener city means a cooler city, a cleaner environment and a happier and healthier community. 

In 2019, City of Parramatta in partnership with Transport for NSW (TfNSW), completed a pilot tree planting program which saw 120 new trees added to our urban tree canopy in North Parramatta and Westmead. 

Council worked with TfNSW to identify locations where the tree planting program would be able to best deliver the greatest benefit to the community.

As part of the joint program, 335 trees were planted in parks and reserves across the Parramatta area in July and October 2022. 

In 2023, the joint-partnership delivered 1,000+ trees in City streets and parks - our biggest planting season ever! 

Starting in April 2023, new tree planting focussed on streets and parks in Carlingford, Dundas, North Parramatta, Oatlands, Rydalmere and Telopea. 

A further 500 trees are planned for 2024. For more information visit the 2023 Parramatta Light Rail Tree Planting page.

2022 Parramatta Light Rail Tree Planting Program

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In 2019, City of Parramatta in partnership with Transport for NSW (TfNSW), completed a pilot tree planting program (see below for details) which saw 120 new trees added to our urban tree canopy in North Parramatta and Westmead. 

Council worked with TfNSW to identify locations where the tree planting program would be able to best deliver the greatest benefit to the community.

As part of the joint program, 335 trees were planted in parks and reserves across the Parramatta area in 2022 (see below for locations and details). 

Over the next two years, the joint partnership program will deliver an additional 2,200 trees in City streets and parks. 

Tree Planting Location Map - Click map to enlarge

Council and Transport for NSW have created a joint planting program with the aim of expanding our tree canopy and improving biodiversity. In most cases, a variety of species, native and exotic, evergreen and deciduous are planted.

A number of native tree species have been selected to become part of the City of Parramatta’s urban tree canopy with consideration given to local conditions.

Phase 1 complete

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Phase 1 of the Parramatta Light Rail tree planting and neighbourhood improvement program now complete

City of Parramatta, in partnership with Transport for NSW (TfNSW), is pleased to announce the successful completion of the first phase of the Parramatta Light Rail Tree Planting Neighbourhood Improvement Program which saw the planting of 120 new street trees in Westmead and North Parramatta.

The program started in March 2019 testing how we provide new trees, in streets, parks and reserves throughout the City of Parramatta to help offset trees removed as part of Parramatta Light Rail construction.Trees in the nature strips include:

The nature strips in:

  • North Parramatta
    • Barney Street
    • By Street
    • Dunlop Street
    • Harold Street
  • Westmead
    • Jessie Street
    • Caroline Street
    • Queens Road

Council will be watering and maintaining your new trees over the next two years to help them establish and grow in the right shape.

Each and every tree has a tree tag, so look out for it.

The tag includes important information about the tree type and a unique number which allows Council to identify its exact location.


Get in touch

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If you notice any issues with the trees, simply write down the unique number call 02 9806 5050 or email

We will send a horticulturalist to look at it.

Who can I speak to about the program?

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If you have questions you can get in contact with our Parramatta Light Rail Tree Planting team on 02 9806 5050 or

Parramatta Light Rail project

If you have questions about the Parramatta Light Rail project, you can contact the 24-hour Community Information Line on 1800 139 389 or email

If you have accessibility concerns, please contact the National Relay Service and provide them with the City of Parramatta contact number: 02 9806 5050.

For non-English speakers, phone interpretation services are available via TIS National on 131 450.

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