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Community Engagement - Have Your Say


Community engagement, also known as ‘public participation’, is about involving people in decision making and is at the very core of our democratic processes in local government.


Community engagement provides Council with a better understanding of community views and values, and helps us to make more informed decisions. 

We are committed to providing opportunities for everyone in the community to participate and ‘have a say’.

We encourage inclusive community participation and are committed to engaging with the community at key points in projects. This can be at the planning or project delivery stages, and also receiving ongoing feedback on the services we provide.

We are committed to providing engagement opportunities for all non-administrative projects. Some examples include our library services, skate parks, open spaces and reserves, roads maintenance, capital works projects, strategies and development applications.

To have your say and learn more about some of the projects open for feedback right now, please visit Council's online community engagement portal, Participate Parramatta.

We encourage you to get involved and have your voice heard!

Current engagement opportunities


Closure Dates

Unnamed Community Centre in the Carter Street Precinct5pm on Tuesday 11 February 2025
Public Exhibition of Draft Parramatta CBD Supplementary Matters Planning Proposal5pm on Wednesday 12 February 2025
Stage One Consultation - Comprehensive Heritage Review5pm on Monday 3 March 2025
Planning Proposal for 124 Wigram Street, Harris Park5pm on Wednesday 5 March 2025
Public Exhibition of Duck River Nature Trail Stage Two5pm on Tuesday 11 March 2025

Our approach to community engagement

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We want to ensure that all of our engagement opportunities help to identify community needs and priorities so that Council’s decisions can align with community expectations.

City of Parramatta Community Engagement Strategy 2024-2028

The City of Parramatta Community Engagement Strategy 2024-2028 was adopted by Council on Monday 9 December 2024. The Strategy details how we engage with you, and how you can have a say on projects that matter to you.

The Strategy incorporates the Community Participation Plan requirements under the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (the EP&A Act) which states how and when we will engage with the community about planning functions like policy-making and assessment. The Consolidated Development Application Notification Requirements form an appendix to the Community Engagement Strategy 2024-2028.

We are striving for a best-practice approach to engagement to help us to create more liveable communities, better public policy, and ensure people are at the core of what we do.

Member International Association for Public Participation Australasia

Accessibility and Translations

Council is committed to making sure everyone can access the information they need in a format that is right for them.

If you would like the Community Engagement Strategy or other engagement resources supplied in another language or format, please call 1300 617 058 and ask to speak with Council’s Community Engagement Team, or email

If you would like to speak to someone over the phone in another language, call TIS National on 131 450 for a free interpreting service. Let them know that you want to speak to the City of Parramatta Council and your chosen language, and they will connect you.

Participate Parramatta Community

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Council's online community is made up of more than 18,500 residents, workers, visitors, business owners and students who care about our City.

It is free to sign up, and you will receive emails sharing when topics are coming up for discussion. When registering on Participate Parramatta, simply tick the box 'notify me about new feedback opportunities'.

Contact us

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If you would like to get in touch with Council’s Community Engagement Team, please call 1300 617 058 (Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm) or email


Upcoming events