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Disability access and inclusion

We aim to improve access and inclusion across the local government area for people with disability.

Below you will find information and links to Council services and information related to access for people with disability.

National Disability Insurance Scheme Support Services

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The City of Parramatta is a registered National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provider. Through our Community Care team, we offer a range of services for people that have a NDIS package. These services include Support Coordination, Individual or Group Support (such as Peer Group, Support, assistance to access social and recreational activities, accompanied shopping, and skill building), and Meal Preparation and Delivery through Parramatta Food Service's Meals on WheelsTM .

Disability Inclusion Action Plan

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The City of Parramatta’s Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) outlines the practical steps Council will take over each term of the Plan to create a more inclusive community for people with disability who are living, working or studying in the Parramatta local government area. Each DIAP intends to build on the achievements and lessons learned from the previous DIAP.

Hidden Disabilities Sunflower

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Council is a Member of the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower initiative, with many key sites listed as Sunflower Friendly, including Riverside Theatres, Parramatta Aquatic Centre and Libraries.  

Becoming Sunflower Friendly helps Council to provide inclusive customer service for all community members. Visit Hidden Disabilities Sunflower to find out more about the global initiative and search for Parramatta Sunflower Friendly sites.

Access Guidelines - Small Business

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Increasing Business by Improving Access

Council worked with our Access Advisory Committee to produce guidelines to help small business be more accessible. The guidelines offer simple and effective steps to help improve customer service and the physical design of your premises, so that all your potential customers can access your business and feel welcome.


National public toilet map

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The National public toilet map shows the location of more than 19,000 toilet facilities across Australia.

Who is it for?

It is useful for:

  • people with incontinence
  • travellers
  • people with disabilities
  • young families

What can it do?

It gives:

  • the location of the nearest public toilet
  • details of opening hours, accessibility, parking and other features
  • a way to plan short and longer journeys and locate toilets along the way
  • the ability to save toilet information and trip plans.

Master Locksmiths Access Key

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The Master Locksmiths Access Key (MLAK) gives all day, every day access to public toilets fitted with an MLAK lock for people with a disability, or bladder or bowel condition.

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