We are proud to showcase the accolades council has received for its commitment to excellence, innovation, and community service. These awards reflect the hard work and dedication of our teams, the support of our residents, and our shared vision for a vibrant, sustainable future. From community projects to environmental leadership, our achievements are a testament to the collective effort to make our community a better place to live, work, and play.
Explore the recognition we've earned across various sectors and discover how we're continuing to raise the bar for local government and public service.

14 November
Planning Institute of Australia’s NSW Planning for Excellence Awards
The Awards celebrate the outstanding contributions made by planners who have demonstrated a commitment to quality, innovation, and excellence in the realm of planning
Award - Community Wellbeing & Diversity - Healthy Higher Density Living for Families and with Children (in collaboration with Western Sydney Local Health District) (Photo above)
9 November
Sport at the World Architecture Festival
The event, this year held in Singapore, is the world’s largest festival and awards competition celebrating architectural excellence from across the globe.
Award - Best Completed Building - Parramatta Aquatic Centre. Read more.
24 October
Western Sydney Tourism Awards
The annual Western Sydney Tourism Awards provide an opportunity to showcase the best of our region's tourism operators.
Award - Event Campaign - Councils - Platinum Winner - Parramatta Lanes
18 October
Aquatic and Recreation Institute (ARI) NSW Awards of Excellence
The prestigious awards recognise and celebrate individuals and teams involved in aquatic and leisure services across the state.
Award - A.H Pierce Memorial Facility of the Year Award - Parramatta Aquatic Centre
Award - Lifeguard of the Year
Award - Marketing and Communications. Read more.
26 September
International Architecture Awards
The annual international awards by The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design, The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies and Metropolitan Arts Press, Ltd., recognise the best, significant new buildings that underscore the direction and understanding of current cutting-edge processes consistent with today’s design thinking.
Award - Best Designed Buildings and Landscapes Civic Centre - PHIVE. Read more.
13 September
Australian HR Awards
The prestigious awards recognise HR professionals and organisations across private and public sectors nationally with Parramatta’s people-first approach to employee experience a clear winner for its HR system transformation project and health and wellbeing initiative.
Award - Best Use of Technology - People Connect HR System Transformation. Read more.
29 July
Urban Development Institute of Australia New South Wales (UDIA NSW) & Urban Property Group Awards for Excellence
The awards are designed to highlight innovation, sustainability, industry leadership and excellence in urban development across NSW and the ACT.
Award - 2024 Urban Renewal Project of the Year - Parramatta Square. Read more.
1 July
NSW Architecture Awards
The Australian Institute of Architects Awards Program enables public and peer recognition of the innovative work of it's members, and provides a valuable mechanism to promote architects and architecture across Australia and internationally.
Award - The Sulman Medal for Public Architecture - Parramatta Aquatic Centre.
Award - Urban Design - Parramatta Aquatic Centre
Award - Urban Design - Charles Street Square. Read more.
12 June - NSW Local Government Professionals Excellence Awards
The NSW Local Government Excellence Awards celebrate outstanding achievements and promote innovation and continuous improvement within NSW local government.
Award - People, Workplace, Wellbeing Population over 150,000 - People Connect HR Systems Transformation Project. Read more.
28 May
Australian Web Awards
The Australian Web Awards celebrates the best of the best in digital. Judged by industry leaders, the awards highlight and promote excellence.
Award - Entertainment and Events Category - Riverside Theatres Website. Read more.
9 May
The Australian Library Design Awards
The Australian Library Design Awards showcase the best in contemporary library interiors and exteriors in Australia, and celebrate the investment in libraries made by our nation's institutions, corporations, local, state and territory governments.
Award - Public Library Category (Large) - Parramatta Library at PHIVE. Read more.
28 February
Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA)
The GBCA 6-Star certification represents World Leadership and is the highest sustainability rating for a building awarded by a third-party assessment panel of experts in Australia.
Award - 6-Star Green Star Rating - PHIVE. Read more.