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Parramatta Light Rail

2024 Parramatta Light Rail Tree Planting

Planting for the 2024 Parramatta Light Rail program is now complete. From April to mid-June 2024 we planted around 500 trees (21 tree types with a focus on native trees). Planting took place in Granville, Harris Park, Northmead, North Parramatta, Parramatta, Rosehill and Westmead in streets identified as potentially affected by urban heat and benefitting the most from new trees.

Residents who registered to become a Tree Champion have now received their confirmation and information packs and the 2024 Parramatta Light Rail Tree Champions Program is now closed. Please direct any questions about the program or report any issues with the new street trees to 


Trees play an important role in our City. The benefits of trees are well established. We know that greener streets and parks mean a cooler city, a cleaner environment, and a happier and healthier community. 

The Parramatta Light Rail (PLR) Tree planting program first began in 2019. City of Parramatta in partnership with Transport for NSW (TfNSW), completed a pilot tree planting program which saw 120 new trees added to our urban tree canopy in North Parramatta and Westmead. 

Since our successful pilot program, Council has worked with TfNSW to identify locations where the tree planting program would be able to best deliver the greatest benefit to the community.

In July and October 2022, 335 trees were planted in parks and reserves across the Parramatta area.
In 2023, the joint-partnership program delivered an additional 1,000+ trees in City streets and parks - our biggest planting season ever! 

Starting in March 2024, new tree planting will focus on streets and parks in Granville, Harris Park, Northmead, North Parramatta, Parramatta, Rosehill, and Westmead.

Tree Planting Map

View the interactive map


2024 Parramatta Light Rail Tree Planting Program focussed on Granville, Harris Park, Northmead, North Parramatta, Parramatta, Rosehill and Westmead, with around 500 trees planted. 

Tree Champions

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As in previous years, we’ll also be looking for Tree Champions to monitor the new trees and help them reach their full potential. Official Tree Champions will be allocated trees in April and will be asked to check-in on their trees and report any issues. As a token of thanks for helping us ensure our newly-planted trees thrive, Tree Champions will be given a $50 e-gift card at the end of the program. 

For more information see our 2024 Tree Champions page.

Tree Information

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What types of trees are being planted?

The 2024 planting will see 21 different tree types planted across the selected suburbs. Arborists will ensure tree types are suited to the proposed planting location with trees selected to perform well in the local environment. Constraints such as overhead powerlines, underground utilities, access requirements and existing street trees have been considered. 

A variety of advanced trees have been chosen with the hope that these trees will contribute to our local biodiversity, be welcomed as part of the community, and provide a range of benefits now and into the future. This year there are a number of native trees being planted, but there are also a few exotics. Both evergreens and deciduous tree types are being planted.   

For details on the types of trees being planted and where, see our Parramatta Light Rail Tree Champion page

Where will planting take place?

The project team has used a number of studies to identify the areas most vulnerable to the impacts of urban heat – those most likely to benefit from additional tree canopy – and streets with no or few trees.

Planting will take place in streets and parks across our Local Government Area with a focus on Granville, Harris Park, Northmead, North Parramatta, Parramatta, Rosehill, and Westmead.

For details on planting locations and trees selected, see the interactive map and our 2024 Parramatta Light Rail Tree Champions page.

Care for trees

Council will be maintaining our new trees for 24 months and is also looking for Tree Champions to help monitor the health of the trees and report if trees in their street or suburb are in need of extra care.

For details on how you can help our new trees become established and reach their full potential, see our 2024 Parramatta Light Rail Tree Champion page.

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