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Our parks


During Council’s recent programmed playground inspections, a number of defects were identified in the playgrounds at North Rocks Park, Hazelwood Rose Park and Halvorsen Park that require immediate attention. This means the specific areas in the playgrounds will be closed until the parts can be replaced and the area can be made safe. We apologise for the inconvenience. 


The City of Parramatta recognises the importance of play in encouraging the physical, psychological and social development of children.

Across the City’s parks and reserves, Council aims to provide inclusive play opportunities for children of all ages and abilities.

There are currently over 150 playgrounds spread throughout the City.

Playground equipment

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Council plans to provide innovative, challenging and creative play equipment and play spaces which provide a variety of activities and types of play catering for a range of needs and abilities.

Fenced playgrounds

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Playgrounds are only fenced if there is a potential hazard in the surrounding area for example busy road, car park or deep water.

Fenced playgrounds throughout the city may include:

  • playgrounds immediately enclosed by a fence
  • partially fenced which involves the larger park fully enclosed by a fence and/or boundary
  • fencing alternatives such as plants and nature based elements may be used if appropriate

Can I book a playground?

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Council’s playgrounds are provided for all members of the community to use and it is not possible to book them for exclusive use.

Community consultation

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Community consultation is included in all park landscape improvement plans.

Residents living in the locality of the park have the chance to submit ideas and requests for the park, including playgrounds.

Upcoming events