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Urban Forest

Greening CBD

Greening Parramatta CBD


Map of greening in Parramatta


Expanding our urban tree canopy is one of the City of Parramatta’s key goals over the next four years.

In addition to cooling our City, new trees boost biodiversity, support local habitat and enliven our streets making them more attractive now and for generations to come.

Within the CBD, we’ll be starting planting in late-November 2022, with 12 advanced trees, well over 3m tall.

Four (4) Lophostemon confertus Brush Box will be planted in Marsden Street (between George and Phillip streets) and 8 Quercus palustris American Pin Oak will be planted in O’Connell Street (between Hunter and George streets). A further 8 trees will be planted in CBD streets shortly.



To see tree planting locations and for information on tree types, please see our interactive map.


Work hours and traffic arrangements – nightworks required

As statement trees within the CBD, tree pits for these large new trees will require some preparation work, including in some instances relocation of utilities and kerb and gutter work. This will be in addition to ensuring the tree has the correct soil conditions to support healthy growth.

The size of our new trees means some partial road closures will be required to allow equipment and materials to be on site.

To ensure work is completed as quickly and safely as possible, work will be undertaken at times when there is less traffic. The lane closest to the kerb will be closed, with traffic and pedestrian management in place as required.

From Monday 7 December, work will begin in Marsden Street, (between George and Phillip streets) and take place Monday to Thursday, from 8pm. It is anticipated four (4) trees will be planted each day, with tree planting progressing to O’Connell Street (between Hunter and George streets).

While efforts will be made to reduce noise, and the most noise-intensive works will be scheduled early in the evening, unfortunately some disruption is unavoidable.

It is expected that work will be completed by Monday 21 December 2022.   

Contact us

For more information, please email or contact Council on 1300 617 058 and ask for the Greening Our City CBD team within Place Services.

For urgent enquiries related to the management of works, or after business hours, please contact Regal Innovations on 0429 332 312.

To see tree planting locations and for information on tree types, please see our interactive map

You can also use the interactive map to contact us to report an issue with the trees. Just click on the dot representing each tree and click on 'contact this tree'. This will create an email with the tree number pre-populated, just tell us about the issue, and click send.


Frequently Asked Questions
  • The Greening Parramatta is a tree planting project across the Parramatta LGA. It is part of the Greening Our City grant program funded by NSW Government in association with Local Government NSW. The program aims to increase tree canopy and green cover across the Greater Sydney Region by planting one million trees by the end of 2022.

    City of Parramatta was awarded $500,000, and Council matched that funding to plant more than 2,600 trees in our suburbs from March to July this year.

    A further $450,000 was provided for statement trees and associated works for tree planting within the CBD. This work begins early-December to November 2022.   

  • Planting as part of the CBD Greening Parramatta program will start in early-December 2022, with 20 advanced sized trees (3m+) expected to be added to Marsden and O’Connell streets by the end of December 2022.

  • Trees are valuable assets and play an essential role in helping to cool the city, improve the air quality, support local habitat, reduce the impact of stormwater, and make the city attractive, healthy, and sustainable. There are a range of benefits associated with trees.

  • The Greening Parramatta CBD planting will begin in early-December 2022 with Marsden and O’Connell streets.

    From March to July 2022, Council planted more than 2,600 trees in areas including Constitution Hill, Winston Hills, Parramatta, Granville, Epping, Ermington, Silverwater, Toongabbie and North Rocks. These areas were identified as some of the most vulnerable to the impacts of urban heat in our Local Government Area and the most likely to benefit from additional tree canopy. Tree planting will provide more shade; help reduce urban heat, particularly in summer; create more attractive neighbourhoods and improve air quality.

    Council in conjunction with Transport for New South Wales is also planting trees as part of a Parramatta Light Rail program.

    To see tree planting locations and for information on tree types, please see our interactive map.

  • Tree species have been carefully selected by an arborist to ensure the most suitable trees are planted within each street. For CBD planting considerations include the local environment, specific site conditions and existing trees.

    Starting in December, four (4) Lophostemon confertus Brush Box  will be planted in Marsden Street (between George and Phillip streets) and 16 Quercus palustris American Pin Oak will be planted in O’Connell Street (between Hunter and George streets).

    Tree species are chosen to meet specific site conditions, with overhead powerlines, driveway access and existing trees considered.

  • Planting is planned to begin on Monday 7 December 2022, nightworks are required, with work scheduled for Monday to Thursday starting at 8pm. 

    Work will begin in Marsden Street (between George and Phillip streets). It is expected that four trees will be planted each day with work progressing to O’Connell Street (between Hunter and George streets). 

    The tree program is expected to be completed by Monday 21 December (subject to site conditions and weather).

  • As large statement trees (3m+), tree pits for these new trees will require preparation work, including in some instances relocation of utilities, kerb/gutter and pavement work. Partial road closures maybe also be required at times to ensure safety.

    In stages, sections of the footpath may be temporarily and partially closed. This will be sign posted as required. Traffic controllers will be in place (if required) to ensure pedestrians and motorists are guided appropriately.

    Work will commence in Marsden Street (between George and Phillip streets) on Monday 7 December 2022, with nightworks from 8pm.
    It is expected that four trees will be planted each day with work progressing to O’Connell Street (between Hunter and George streets).

    While efforts will be made to reduce noise, and the most noise-intensive works will be scheduled early in the evening, unfortunately some disruption is unavoidable.

    The tree program is expected to be completed by Monday 21 December (subject to site conditions and weather).

  • Council waters and cares for trees within the public domain, including CBD street trees. For the next year these trees will have a maintenance program providing extra attention to ensure they reach their full potential.

    To report any concerns around your street trees, please take note of the tree number on the identification tag attached to the tree(s) and contact City of Parramatta on email

  • All locations for the 2022 Greening Parramatta CBD planting program have been allocated.

    Requests for street trees via the Online Services portal will be reviewed by the Open Space Team, and if deemed suitable added to the Public Trees 2023 program.

  • Council will be contacting Tree Champion applicants from Parramatta who missed out on becoming Tree Champions in the Greening Parramatta program earlier this year. Should not enough residents be available, we’ll be asking for applicants for CBD Tree Champions.

    If you would like to become more involved in keeping your street trees healthy, please get in contact with Council about ‘adopting’ a CBD tree. Email us at for more information on becoming a Tree Champion.

  • For more information, please email or contact Council on 1300 617 058 and ask for the Greening Our City CBD team within Place Services.

    For urgent enquiries related to the management of works, or after business hours, please contact Regal Innovations on 0429 332 312.

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