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Garden Organics Bin

About garden waste

City of Parramatta provides households with 240L bins for garden waste. In unit blocks, garden organic bins are generally not provided unless requested by the body corporate or strata management. Garden organic bins are emptied fortnightly on alternate weeks to the recycling bin.

The contents are sent to an industrial composting facility at Eastern Creek where they are processed into composts and soil conditioners to be used in home gardens, agriculture, sporting fields and public spaces.

What can go in my garden organics bin?

The following items are accepted in your garden organics bin:

  • grass clippings
  • leaves
  • pruning and flowers
  • twigs
  • branches (under one metre).

The following items are NOT accepted in your garden organics bin:

  • food waste 
  • soil 
  • recyclable 
  • medical waste.

Did you know?

Instead of putting garden waste in the green bin, you can easily compost at home and use it back on your garden. For more information, see the Compost and worm farms page.

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