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Urban Forest

Trees and development

Planning for tree protection

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When planning a development the following must be taken into consideration:

  • Opportunities to retain existing trees within the development site and road reserve (Particularly semi-mature and mature trees)
  • Recommendations for design modification to facilitate tree retention should be provided
  • Potential development impacts must be given to all trees located within adjoining properties where located within 3m of the common boundary (Please note that the tree protection area for mature trees located within adjoining properties may be up to 15m and may extend significantly within the site). Potential development impacts include all above and below ground structures, below ground services and changes to existing site gradients. Precautions must be undertaken to minimise impacts to existing trees located within adjoining properties.
  • The arborist shall identify development constraints imposed by trees and provide recommendations for an appropriate developable area given these constraints. To ensure the arborist report is relevant and site specific they must be provided with all the relevant and most current documentation including but not limited to the site plan, stormwater plan, landscape plan, basement plans and elevation drawings.
  • A proposed development which will result in a negative impact to trees or vegetation located within adjoining properties may not be supported.

Arborist report requirements

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Council may request that an Arboricultural Impact Assessment (AIA) and Tree Protection Plan (TPP) to accompany the documentation required for lodgement of a development application.

The report and plan must be prepared by a qualified arborist who has a Diploma of Horticulture (Australian Qualifications Framework Level 5).

The report is to include as a minimum:

  • An Arboricultural Impact Assessment (AIA) and Tree Protection Plan (TPP) at 1:100 or 1:200 scale prepared by an AQF Level 5 arborist must be provided upon lodgement of the development application.
  • The AIA shall identify all trees equal to or greater than five (5) metres in height located within the subject site and adjoining properties where located within three (3) metres of the common property boundary or where a tree protection area extends into the development site. The report must identify all trees proposed to be retained or removed as a result of the proposed works and quantify any potential impacts incurred.
  • The plan must include survey detail and show the existing ground levels at the base of each tree, the actual canopy spread to scale, the location of and diameter at breast height (DBH) of the trunk of the tree and a tree number (All trees shall be plotted by a registered surveyor).
  • A schedule documenting botanical and common name, age class, dimensions inclusive of, height, canopy spread, trunk diameter at breast height (DBH), calculated Tree Protection Zone (TPZ), Structural Root Zone (SRZ), calculated development incursions (if any), the health, structure, condition of the tree and provide recommendations in relation to retention values in accordance with AS4970-2009 Protection of Trees on Development Sites.
  • The report must include a tree protection plan where trees are proposed to be retained. The tree protection plan shall identify the tree protection area for each tree and clearly identify the percentage of development encroachment to the root system and canopy of the tree. The tree protection plan shall be site specific and show all proposed development works, including the location of the above and below ground structures and services.
  • The report must list all documentation referenced during the assessment process and demonstrate due consideration to the development in its entirety. The report must address all likely impacts of the proposed development on all trees recommended for retention, and particularly any tree that may require site specific protection measures to minimise impact. Potential development impacts will include all above and below ground structures and services and any potential impacts to the tree canopy. (Do not include generic tree protection information that is not site specific).
  • Detail methodology that has been used to evaluate the health and condition of the trees; determine retention values and determine tree protection zones.
  • Where retained trees have a development setback and tree protection zone established, a recommended tree protection specification and diagram must be provided in accordance with AS4970-2009 Protection of Trees on Development Sites. All site plans are to be amended to indicate the tree protection zone requirements as set forth in the arborist’s report along with any other note requirements that the arborist deems necessary to ensure the long term health and sustainable retention of the trees.

Note: If consideration has not been given to the above preliminary requirements to retain and provide for mature vegetation, particularly large and medium sized trees or consideration has not been shown to minimise impacts to existing mature trees or screening vegetation located within tree protection zones of vegetation on adjoining properties, Council may request design changes to minimise impacts to existing trees and vegetation.


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To maintain urban tree canopy cover, replacement planting may be required as an approval for development. Replacement tree species will be specified or approved by Council and will be of a type suitable for the site.

Planting trees on your property

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Trees will provide many benefits to you and your garden, but not all trees are suitable for your place. It is recommended you consider the following points to ensure you select the right tree and select the right spot in your property.

Selecting the right tree for the right place

Selecting the right size tree to fit the space available in your garden is critical. Take note of the mature canopy height and spread to ensure it will still fit as it grows over time.

  • Ensure your new tree is of good quality stock before purchasing it*. 

Things to consider include: -

  • Does it have a healthy, symmetrical form? 
  • Is the leaf colour & size healthy and normal? 
  • Check it has an appropriate stem taper that is self-supporting.
  • Check the rootball is appropriately sized i.e., it is not too small, or very little excess soil.
  • Check to see there is no evidence of suckering or girdling roots. 

*If you are unsure, it is always recommended to talk to the nursery beforehand to ensure you select the right tree for your garden.

Selecting a suitable location to plant your tree

The following factors should be considered whilst selecting the right tree:

  • Site conditions such as soil type (pH) and soil availability (volume), solar access & orientation, maintenance requirements, access, space available.  Check the location of the drainage and services.
  • Outlook - do you want to frame and enhance a view or to screen something?
  • Desired features of the tree such as the leaf shape or colour, the flowers, bird attracting, drought tolerant, evergreen or deciduous, its shape and habit, or simply whether it is native or exotic. Note: The City or Parramatta Council considers both native and exotic trees to be a valuable natural asset. 
  • Problems to avoid for example, avoid planting trees in small spaces or too close to buildings or services where they may conflict with structures or infrastructure above / below ground (e.g. overhead wires, solar panels or drainage pipes). 

Steps to correctly plant a tree

Simply digging a hole and sticking it in the ground doesn’t always guarantee the tree will survive. There are a few steps that need to be done to ensure it survives, such as how to prepare the hole, watering and aftercare. Below is a list of steps to consider when planting your tree:

  1. When is the best time to plant a tree? Trees can be planted at any time of year; however, the best time of year is during autumn when the soil is still warm, the weather is not too hot and dry and the roots have time to grow before winter. The summer is not recommended as it is often too hot and can stress new plants, especially if they do not get frequently watered.
  2. Before planting, make sure it is well-watered and is kept in a sheltered, shady spot to keep the leaves from wilting, until you are ready to plant it. The tree rootball should be moist when planting it.
  3. Preparing the hole. First dig the hole two to three times as wide as the container and only as deep as the container. Leave the soil to the side of the hole to use later.
  • It is very important to not plant the tree too low into the ground. The depth of the hole only needs to be as deep as the container (or slightly less) so that the top of the container and the top of the rootball will be at the same level as the ground or just above. This is to ensure there is no soil build up at the base of the stem / trunk.
  1. Handling the tree. Care should be taken not to damage the branches or stem when moving it. It should be carefully lifted at the base of the stem and the pot gently tapped off. Try not to damage the roots or remove too much loose soil when removing it from the pot.
  2. Backfill the soil. Once the tree rootball is in the ground, return the soil in even layers, spreading it around the outside of the rootball, lightly packing it down as you go. Avoid compacting the soil.
  • Do not place any soil on top of the rootball.
  1. Watering. Trees take up water through their roots. Water the rootball and soil around the hole immediately after planting and keep the soil moist for several weeks afterwards, watering daily in warm weather.
  2. Staking. Good quality trees do not require staking and should be self-supporting from the nursery. If stakes are required (such as in a wind-prone area), it is recommended using three (3) stakes, located in a triangle, outside the rootball to avoid damaging the roots. The ties are loosely attached to the stem to allow the tree to move around in the wind. This helps it produce cells to make it strong and adaptable to the prevailing wind conditions. The stakes should be removed as soon as possible.

Care after planting

Trees may take several years to successfully establish. Care during this period is fundamental to help produce a healthy growing tree. We recommend the following maintenance practices are be carried out regularly during the first year: -

  • Watering. Watering is a key part of the maintenance period to help the tree establish. Water both the rootball and the surrounding soil thoroughly throughout the year, and more frequently (weekly) during the summer months.
  • Mulching. To help retain the moisture in the ground and improve the nutrient cycle within the soil, it is recommended to add a 50mm (5cm) mulch layer to the surrounding soil. Do not add any mulch within 10-15cm of the trunk to avoid a build-up at the base which can potentially lead to collar rot and the decline of the tree.
  • Weeding. Weeds and grass can compete with the tree roots for water, nutrients and soil. It is therefore recommended to remove any weeds close to the tree.
  • Pruning and ongoing care.
  • Mowing. Where trees are located within the lawn, take care mowing the grass around the newly planted tree to ensure you don’t damage the bark at the base. The addition of a mulch circle around the tree will help by keeping the grass clear of the trunk and prevent mowers and whipper snippers getting to close. 


Tree assessment criteria

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The assessment for removal or pruning of trees forms part of the development application process.

In evaluating an application to alter or remove a tree on private land, the assessment will consider:

  • The environmental, cultural and amenity value of the tree
  • The effect on the health of the tree from branch and/or root pruning
  • Whether the tree shows poor form and shape/vigour  typical of the species
  • Its location within the construction zone of the proposed building and whether design modifications can be made to minimise damage to the tree’s root zone and canopy
  • Whether the tree is located in a habitat corridor and provides habitat or fauna canopy connectivity
  • The evaluation and recommendations of any arborist reports
  • The occurrence (or lack of) other vegetation nearby and whether appropriate replacement species can be planted.

For more information

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If you have any questions you can get in touch with our Customer Service Centre Team on (02) 9806 5050 or at

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