Under the NSW Disability Inclusion Act 2014, all NSW local councils are required to develop Disability Inclusion Action Plans (DIAPs). DIAPs outline the practical steps that local councils will take to drive inclusion for people with disability within their community. DIAPs are to be reviewed and renewed on a four-year cycle.
The NSW Government has defined four (4) themes, or focus areas, to provide structure for local council DIAP planning and communication, summarised as:
- Developing positive community attitudes and behaviours
- Creating liveable communities
- Supporting access to meaningful employment
- Improving access to information and services through better systems and processes.
For more details on requirements for action planning, as well as the four focus areas, visit the NSW Government’s Disability Inclusion Action Plans webpages.
The City of Parramatta’s first Disability Inclusion Action plan was developed in 2017 and renewed in 2022, following an extension granted by the NSW Government due to the impacts of COVID-19.
City of Parramatta’s Disability Inclusion Action Plan, 2022-2026
(Back to top)Plan Development: To develop the current Disability Inclusion Action Plan, 2022-2026, Council undertook extensive community consultation, both externally with the wider community and internally with Council staff and Councillors. These consultations identified community priorities in relation to the four focus areas, and assisted in defining actions Council can take to contribute to meaningful change in the community and organisation.
2023 Plan Review and Outcomes Framework: Over 2023, Council conducted a detailed review if the Plan and identified new actions that have been added to the Plan. Council has developed an Outcomes Framework for the Plan that articulates the positive changes Council seeks to create in the community. Council has also developed Key Performance Indicators for actions, to track progress and measure success in relation to the aims of each action.
A short illustrated and narrated film explaining the Plan and Outcomes Framework is available below.
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DIAP Update – 2024 Highlights
(Back to top)Since the commencement of the first DIAP in 2017, Council has demonstrated commitment to creating meaningful change for people with disability and this has continued through the current Plan. Clear actions linked to meaningful outcomes have been developed, and progress is being made on delivering these actions according to the Plan.
Progress Against the Delivery Plan, All Actions, 31 December, 2024
Key achievements under the four focus areas through to December 2024 are listed below.
Focus Area 1: Developing Positive Community Attitudes and Behaviours
- Council is working with Autism Spectrum Australia (ASPECT) to increase understanding of Autism and to create Autism friendly spaces and services, with community and staff education sessions, and assistance with resource development.
- A disability graphics project has delivered over 115 high quality images containing people with disability, primarily from Western Sydney, participating in the local community intended for wide use across all Council communications to improve representation of our diverse community.
- Auslan interpreted Story Time sessions for children continue to be integrated into Library programming.
- Council has taken up Membership of the Hidden Disability Sunflower program, and key customer service sites are working towards becoming registered Sunflower-friendly sites through staff training and volunteering to be on-site Sunflower Supporters.
Focus Area 2: Creating Liveable Communities
- Three digital wayfinding kiosks have been installed in the Parramatta CBD, improving access for the sight impaired.
- An Access Audit has been completed for all playgrounds across the Parramatta LGA, and Council has created an Accessible Playground Framework that will inform labelling of accessible playgrounds on the Council website and planning of upgrade works and new playgrounds.
- Parramatta Aquatic Centre is working to raise knowledge and confidence in people with disability to access Centre facilities and programs by providing opportunities to participate in facilitated free trials and identifying quiet spaces and times for people who may experience sensory overload.
- A post-occupancy Access Audit was completed for PHIVE and progress is being made on the action plan created to address the resulting recommendations.
- ASPECT has conducted site assessments for PAC, PHIVE and Parramatta Library, with each site creating action plans to address the resulting recommendations.
Focus Area 3: Supporting Access to Meaningful Employment
- Membership of the Australian Network on Disability is being maintained to access resources, policy assistance and education opportunities for staff.
- Council is moving towards finalisation of a Workplace Adjustment Policy with the assistance of the Australian Network on Disability during the development phase.
- A partnership with Autism Spectrum Australia (ASPECT) has supported Council to provide work experience opportunities for people with Autism.
Focus Area 4: Improving Access to Information & Services through Improved Systems and Processes
- Council’s NDIS Coordination service has trialled a record keeping system structured around a best practice/rights-based framework, to track and demonstrate progress against clients’ personal goals and in addressing barriers in accessing supports.
- Council has created a Disability Consumer Rights Checklist for wide dissemination across the community and services, and delivered a Disability Consumer Rights Session with the National Disability Insurance Agency, NSW Fair Trading and the Health Care Complaints Commission, and has incorporated the Checklist into Council NDIS support coordination services.
- Council has made widely available the option for making verbal submissions across community consultation processes calling for public submissions.
(Back to top)Download a PDF of the plan below.