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City of Parramatta research

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Information presented in these reports were sourced through independent research and is owned by the City of Parramatta Council’s Community Care team.

This material is based on information relevant to our service that we consider reliable, but not representative of the broader social services sector.

No part of this material or any research report may be:

(i) copied, photocopied or duplicated in any form by any means or
(ii) redistributed without the prior written consent of City of Parramatta Council.

Contact Community Care Service on (02) 9806 5121 or email to obtain permissions.

Social Inclusion Services Program report and presentation

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To understand the impact the program has had on the individual’s that receive support, via deep understanding of the following:

  1. The service support experience – what supports have been received and how well aligned are the needs of the recipient?
  2. How individual recipients, family members, staff and volunteers have benefitted from support provision – exploring both emotional and rational anecdotes, experiences and evidence.
  3. Positive outcomes achieved because of participation for recipients, family members, staff and volunteers – exploring physical, mental, behavioural and social outcomes.
  4. Explore the impact achieved on the use of other services (e.g. increasing social connection at meal times delaying move to a nursing home, or the need for a higher level of support in home).
  5. Demonstrate the benefits of working from a Person-Centred and Wellness Approach and from a Social Role Valorisation (SRV) and the good things in life framework.

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