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Recycle Right

A-Z Guide to Waste and Recycling

Use the directory below find recycling options for a wide range of items and to check what can and can’t go in your bins.

Aerosol CansEmpty aerosol cans can be placed in the recycling bin.
Aluminium CansAluminium cans can be placed in your recycling bin.
Aluminium FoilAluminium foil can be placed in your yellow lid recycling bin. To help receiving facilities properly separate aluminium foil from other recyclables, scrunch it into the shape of a ball, and keep until you have a ball the size of your fist.
Aluminium TraysRemove food scraps and place in the recycling bin

Appliances such as hairdryers, toasters, microwaves, and power tools are classified as e-waste and should not be placed in any kerbside collection bins.

To safely dispose of appliances, book in a free problem waste collection.


Asbestos is a hazardous substance and should never be placed in your kerbside bins.

For small quantities of less than 10sqm of bonded asbestos, Council offers a free collection service. For larger quantities, residents must engage a licensed contractor.

Baking Ware (Pyrex, Corningware, Cake Tins

Bakingware should be disposed of in you red lidded waste bin.

If your bakingware is in good condition, consider donating or selling it online or through your local op shop.

Batteries (Household)

Household batteries cannot be placed in any of your kerbside collection bins as they are a fire risk for collection vehicles.   You can drop household batteries to one of our libraries, or book in a free problem waste collection.

Batteries collected through this service are sent to recyclers where the lead, acid and plastic are recovered and recycled

BindersBinders should be placed in your red lidded waste bin.

Cameras are classified as an e-waste and should not be placed in your kerbside bin.

If your camera is still working, check if your local op shop will accept it, otherwise book in a free problem waste collection.

Car Batteries

Car, bike and boat batteries cannot be placed in any of your kerbside bins as they contain substances that are toxic to the environment and create a risk for collection vehicles.

To dispose of car batteries safely book in a free problem waste collection.

CardboardCardboard can be placed in your yellow lid recycling bin.
CDs and DVDs

CDs and DVDs should not be placed in your kerbside bins.

CDs and DVDs can be recycled via the recycling stations located at all Council Libraries.


Ceramics, vases, mirrors, heat-proof glass, drinking glass and china go in your red lidded waste bin.

These items cannot be recycled because they heat at a different rate to regular glass bottles and jars. Even small amounts incorrectly placed in recycling bins can contaminate a whole load of sorted glass.

Check in with your local op shop to see if they are interested in any unwanted ceramics that are still good quality.


Chemicals should never placed into your kerbside bins.

The safe way to dispose of potentially hazardous household chemicals is at a Household Chemical CleanOut event.

Coffee Cups / LidsTakeaway coffee cups and lids DO NOT go in your yellow lidded recycling bin.  To recycle these, visit a Simply Cups drop off location, otherwise place them in your red lidded waste bin.
Computers and Computer Equipment

Computers and computer equipment should not be placed in your kerbside bins.

To dispose of computing equipment safely book in a free problem waste collection.

Cooking Oils

Cooking Oils should not be placed in your household bins. 

To safely dispose of these, book in a free problem waste collection.

Cosmetic JarsEmpty cosmetic jars can be placed in the yellow lidded recycling bin.

Crockery, drinking glasses and china cannot be recycled because they heat at a different rate to regular glass bottles and jars. Even small amounts incorrectly placed in recycling bins can contaminate a whole load of sorted glass.

Check in with your local op shop to see if they are interested in any unwanted items that are still good quality.

Otherwise place them in your red lidded waste bin.

Deodorant ContainersEmpty deodorant containers (roll on and stick) can be placed in the yellow lidded recycling bin.
Egg CartonsEgg cartons can be placed in your yellow lidded recycling bin.
Envelopes (with and without the clear window)Envelopes can be places in your yellow lidded recycling bin.

E-waste should not be placed in your kerbside bins as it creates a fire risk to collection vehicles.

To safely dispose of e-waste book in a free problem waste collection.

Fire Extinguishers

Fire extinguishers can not be placed in your household bins as they can cause harm to collection vehicles and .

To safely dispose of these, book in a free problem waste collection.


Flares should never be placed in any of the kerbside bins, as they are a fire risk for collection vehicles.

To safely dispose of flares, visit an RMS mobile collection.

Fluorescent Light Globes and Tubes

Fluorescent lights contain a small amount of mercury. They can not be placed in your household recycling bin.

To safely dispose of these lights, book in a free problem waste collection.

FoamFoam products (polystyrene and Styrofoam) should be disposed of in your red lidded waste bin.
Food CansFood cans can be placed in your yellow lid recycling bin. Just make sure they are empty. 
Food WasteThe best way to dispose of food waste is to put it into your green lidded FOGO bin.

Fuels should not be placed in any of the kerbside bins. 

To safely dispose of fuels, drop them at a Household Chemical CleanOut event.


Consider selling good quality items or donating them to a charity. You can also book a collection through the Bower’s Collection and Rehoming service or find it a new home through their reuse tool.

Residents with a domestic waste service can also book in a free bulky waste collection.

Fruit and Vegetable PunnetsPunnets such as those used to package berries, cherry tomatoes, and other fruits and vegetables can be placed in your yellow lidded bins for recycling.
Gaming Consoles (Playstation, Xbox etc)

Gaming consoles and their accessories are classified as e-waste and should not be placed in any kerbside collection bins.

To safely dispose of e-waste, book in a free problem waste collection.

Gas Bottles

Gas bottles should never be placed in any of the kerbside bins as they create a hazard for collection vehicles.

To safely dispose of gas bottles, book in a free problem waste collection.

Gas bottles collected through this service, have residual gas captured for reuse and are tested to either be returned to the hire industry to be recycled as scrap metal.

Garden Waste

Garden wastes and clippings can be placed in your green lidded garden organics bin. 

Larger branches that are too big for your bin can be disposed of through Council’s bulky waste collection service.

Glass Bottles and Jars

Glass bottles and jars can be recycled through your yellow lidded recycling bin.

Bottles and jars should be empty and have lids removed. Lids can be placed in the recycling bin separately.

Household Appliances

Household appliances are classified as e-waste and should not be placed in any kerbside collection bins.

To safely dispose of e-waste, book in a free problem waste collection.

Household Cleaning ProductsTo safely dispose of household cleaning products drop them at a Household Chemical CleanOut event.
Kitty LitterKitty Litter should be placed in your red lidded waste bin.
Lids (plastic bottle)Plastic lids on their own (separated from the bottle) are too small for current recycling technology to pick up and sort, so do not place them loosely in your recycling bin. To recycle the bottle lid, ensure the plastic bottle is empty and the lid screwed lightly back onto the bottle and placed in the recycling bin.
Milk Cartons and BottlesMilk cartons and bottles should be placed in your yellow lidded recycling bin.

To safely dispose of mirrors, wrap in newspaper and put in your red lidded general waste bin.

If they are still in good condition, why not pass it on online or through your local op shop.

Mobile Phones

Mobile phones are classified as e-waste and should not be placed in any kerbside collection bins.

Mobile phones can be recycled via the recycling stations located at all Council Libraries, or by booking in a free problem waste collection.

Motor Oils

Motor oils should not be placed in your household bins. 

To safely dispose of motor oils, book in a free problem waste collection.

Used oils collected through this service are processed to become a lubricant or used for waste to energy.


To safely dispose of paint, book in a free problem waste collection.

Paints collected through this service are reprocessed by recycling facilities and mixed with other waste solvents so they can be used as an alternative to fuel in cement kilns. The metal containers are recycled.

Paint Tins

Paint tins can be recycled via your yellow lidded recycling bin.

Please make sure your tins are empty prior to placing them in the recycling bin (dried paint can be placed in your red lidded waste bin). 

Old paint can also be collected via a free problem waste collection.

Plastic BagsPlastic bags MUST NOT be placed in your yellow lidded recycling bin. Plastic bags should be placed in your red lidded waste bin.
Pizza Boxes

Pizza boxes which don't have any food residue can be recycled through the yellow lidded recycling bin.

Soiled pizza boxes should be put into the red lidded waste bin.

Plastic Cake TraysPlace in the recycling bin


Plastic Cutlery

Plastic forks, spoons and knives cannot go in your recycle bin because they cannot be properly separated by the sorting machines.
Plastic Takeaway ContainersPlastic food containers can be placed in your yellow lid recycling bin.
Polystyrene (Cups, Trays, and Packaging)All types of polystyrene should go in your red lidded waste bin.
Post SatchelsPost satchels / bags should be placed in your red lidded waste bin.
Power Tools

Power tools are classified as e-waste and should not be placed in any kerbside collection bins.

To safely dispose of power tools, book in a free problem waste collection.

Printer CartridgesPrinter cartridges can be taken to Australia Post outlets to be recycled under the Planet Ark project
Smoke DetectorsTo safely dispose of smoke detectors, book in a free problem waste collection.
Steel CansSteel cans can be placed in your yellow lidded recycling bin.
Sushi / Food PunnetsPunnets such as those used to package sushi and takeaways can be placed in your yellow lidded bins for recycling.
Tetra Pak (juice boxes, long life milk cartons) Tetra Pak drink and liquid stock containers can be placed in your yellow lidded recycling bin. They should be emptied before being placed in the bin.
Tissue boxesTissue boxes can be placed in your yellow lidded recycling bin. They should be empty, and ideally with the plastic film removed.
Toothpaste Tubes (Oral Care Packaging)Toothpaste tubes should be disposed of via your red-lidded waste bin.

Vapes - otherwise known as electronic cigarettes, e-cigarettes, or personal vaporisers – contain hazardous waste like batteries as well as harmful chemicals. They CANNOT be put in household recycling or garbage bins due to fire risks for the waste collection vehicles and processing facilities.

For reusable vapes or vapes where the battery and liquid (vape juice) components can be easily separated from the canister, you can recycle the battery at any B-cycle drop-off point and return the liquid component to a local pharmacy, and then recycle the empty canister as e-waste via Council's e-waste recycling services.

For disposable vapes or vapes which battery cannot be separated from the canister, there is currently no free local disposal option in the Parramatta LGA. Please refer to for the latest advice on available disposal options.

Note the importation of disposable vape has been banned in Australia from Jan 2024.

Waxed CardboardWaxed cardboard such as fruit boxes should be placed in your red lidded waste bin.
Wine Casks The cardboard packaging from wine casks can be placed in your yellow lidded recycling bin – just remember to remove the plastic / foil bladder from inside.
X-Ray FilmsX- Ray films contain halides (a form of silver) which when recycled can be extracted, and converted into pure silver. X- Rays can be recycled through a number of organisations. List of organisations.


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