Developing in the Floodplain
It is important that anyone developing a new or existing property in the floodplain understands the full implications, and their responsibilities. City of Parramatta provides a range of services to guide you through this process.
Anyone planning to develop in an area potentially impacted by flooding should:
- Be aware that it is the responsibility of anyone proposing to do building work or any development to check if the property on which works are proposed is affected by overland flow/runoff or riverine flooding.
- Apply for a pre-development application lodgement meeting by contacting our customer contact centre on 1300 617 058. This will allow Development Engineers to discuss specific requirements related to your proposal. There is a fee for this service.
- Request a Flood Enquiry Application if your property is affected by riverine flooding. This will provide you with Council's information relating to impacts of flood conditions on the site. There is a fee for this service.
- If your property is affected by overland flow/runoff or riverine flooding you may be asked to undertake a detailed flood study, using an experienced drainage engineer to support your application.
All development applications must comply with the relevant Local Environment Plan (LEP), Development Control Plan (DCP), and the City of Parramatta Floodplain Risk Management Policy (2014). The NSW Flood Risk Manual (2023), as well as the relevant Floodplain Risk Management study and Plan for that area.
For more information on this process, please contact 1300 617 058.
For a glossary of flood terms, refer to the NSW Floodplain Development Manual.