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Online Services will be undergoing maintenance and unavailable from 5pm Friday 7 February 2025. 

City in Nature

Parks & Green Space

Why is this important?

Globally there is a move to ensure that as density increases and population grows, so too does the green space that provides essential health, wellbeing and recreational amenity.

As our population grows, we face a future gap in recreational facilities, such as sporting fields, and green spaces to keep cool on a hot day.

In 2017, Council’s 367 managed parks and reserves totalled 212ha. Council also manages a further 143ha of sports grounds.

Currently one in four of our residents (26.6%) live in high-density properties, and this will grow over time. Parks and reserves will become important places for people and families to interact with the community and socialise – becoming the new back garden as densities increase in our City. They need to be local, accessible and good quality.


Protect, enhance and increase our parks and green spaces to make them a community feature

What we’re already doing

  • Developing a Parra Play Policy that encourages nature play
  • Investigating our social infrastructure to understand  our current and future space needs
  • Implementing a capital works program to upgrade existing park infrastructure
  • Developing Open Space masterplans to increase the quality and capacity of existing facilities

Our Actions (1-4 years)

  • Maximise quality green and open space in new growth precincts
  • Develop a new Open Space & Recreation Plan
  • Implement Parra Plan policies through formal play spaces
  • Promote the use of shared green space by educating and engaging our community
  • Continue to activate our parks and open spaces via our bike and walking networks

For more information

Contact the Customer Service Centre on:

Phone: (02) 9806 5050 


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