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Why do rates increase?

Rates and charges are increased each year to offset the increased costs of providing services to the community.

Councils in New South Wales are restricted by legislation as to how much they can increase rates each year. The Independant Pricing & Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) assesses the increase in costs and determines the percentage that rates can increase.

Increases in services costs includes:

  • Materials for road making and other infrastructure provision, maintenance and repair.
  • Equipment, plant and services purchase, maintenance and hire.
  • Contracts and labour.
  • Statutory charges paid to other levels of government and its instrumentalities.
  • Other outgoings for finance, insurance, electricity, gas, and utilities costs etc.

What are postponed rates?

You may apply for a postponement of rates if you are responsible for paying rates for land on which there is a single dwelling house, that is used or occupied as such, and which is zoned or otherwise designated under an environmental planning instrument for industry, commerce or residential flat buildings.

Or if you are the person responsible for paying the rates for land, which is capable of subdivision and on which there is a single dwelling house that is used or occupied as such, but because of its zoning or permitted use, is valued for rating purposes in a way that reflects its zoning or permitted use, rather than its actual use.

The rates postponed relate that portion of the value that the Valuer General determines is related to its zoned or permitted use greater than the actual residential use value.

If you wish to discuss whether you are eligible to receive the benefit of postponed rates, or would like an application form to be sent to you, please call Council on 9806 5050.

Application Postponed Rates

Do pensioners get rebates from rates payments?

Council offers both a mandatory pensioner rebate and an additional Council-funded rebate.

In order to qualify for the mandatory rebate you must:

  • be liable for the Rates and Charges on your property,
  • solely reside in that property, and
  • have a current Pensioner Concession Card issued by either the Department of Veteran’s Affairs or Centrelink.

To receive the additional rebate you must have resided in the property consecutively for at least the last five years and qualify for the mandatory rebate.

If you satisfy the above conditions, please bring along your Pensioner Concession Card and apply in person at Council’s Administration Building at 126 Church Street, Parramatta during business hours.

All applications must be received no later than the 30 June each year for the rebate to apply to that financial year.

What happens if my payment is late?

If your quarterly payment is not paid in full by the due date, you may have to pay interest on the amount owing. Simple interest is calculated on the overdue daily balance. The rate of interest is printed on the front of the rates notice.

The due date for payment does not refer to rates and charges in arrears. These are due immediately.

I’m having difficulty making my payment

Please contact us in person, or by telephoning Council on 9806 5050, if you are having a problem with paying the rates and charges by the due dates. Alternative arrangements may be made.

I have sold my land / property - am I still liable for rates?

If you are still receiving rate notices for a property you NO longer own – please mark the envelope R.T.S (return to sender) with a date advising “Property Sold – DD/MM/YY”.

Council records are only amended following receipt of a transfer document detailing the changes to the certificate of title. Once a purchaser’s solicitor/bank lodges the advice with the land titles office, both the Local council and water board are notified directly. Sometimes there can be a delay of anywhere between 4-6 weeks – depending on how quickly the documents are lodged at LTO.

You will continue to receive & be responsible for - all notices, including reminders/final notices & requests for payments until such time as Council records are amended in accordance with the above.

It is strongly recommended that you contact your Solicitor to ensure the appropriate documents have been lodged and follow up that the changes are made.

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