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Epping Town Centre Master Plan

Council is developing a Master Plan for Epping Town Centre as part of its commitment to creating a more connected and vibrant town centre.

The Master Plan will define a vision for the Epping Town Centre, along with clear mechanisms to achieve that vision.

The expected benefits of this Master Plan include:

  • Improved circulation within the precinct, including accessible laneways and connections to Boronia Park.
  • Consideration of traffic, built form and the public domain.
  • Development of urban design principles for the Rawson Street car park site, including provision of community and recreational uses and public car parking only.

53-61 Rawson Street Planning Proposal

Council is exhibiting a Planning Proposal for 53-61 Rawson Street, which supports Epping Town Centre's role as a commercial hub. The proposal seeks to increase the site's commercial floorspace and building heights, to facilitate a future mixed use development consisting of a full-line supermarket, retail, office space, and apartments.


Epping Town Centre East Public Domain Upgrades

Council is planning public domain improvements in Oxford Street, Langston Place, Pembroke Street and Cambridge Street.


Epping Planning Review (Concluded)

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Council’s Epping Planning Review focused on addressing land use issues in the Epping Town Centre. An outcome of the review was the Epping Town Centre Commercial Floorspace Study, which found that new residential development resulted in a reduction of commercial floorspace that had undermined the role of Epping as a commercial centre.

In 2021 Council prepared a Planning Proposal that sought to increase commercial floorspace across the Epping Town Centre. The Planning Proposal was not supported by the Department of Planning and Environment as the planning proposal was not considered to be the best means of achieving the intended outcomes. In response, Council’s current approach is to investigate potential for increased commercial floorspace on a site by site basis in the Epping Town Centre.



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