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Precinct Planning

Parramatta North

Parramatta North

Covering 42 hectares of government-owned land, Parramatta North is a whole-of-government, major urban renewal initiative. It is located along the eastern foreshore of the Parramatta River opposite Westmead Hospital and Parramatta Park, and north of the Parramatta CBD.

The NSW Government owns and manages the precinct and more information on its work can be found here.

Please direct all comments and questions about Parramatta North directly to the Department of Planning Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) here.



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Most of the precinct is included on the State Heritage Register and is identified as being of state heritage significance in the Parramatta Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2011, as part of three separate listings, including the Cumberland District Hospital Group (SHR820), Parramatta Correctional Centre (SHR812) and Norma Parker Correctional Centre (SHR811).

The Parramatta Female Factory is also included on the National Heritage List. All future development in the precinct will be required to comply with the Parramatta North Historic Sites Consolidated Conservation Management Plan (the PNHS CMP):

Westmead Place Strategy

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Part of Parramatta North forms a sub precinct in the NSW Government’s Westmead Place Strategy. Please see Council’s Westmead webpage and the NSW Department of Planning website for more information.

Get in touch

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If you have any questions about strategic planning matters at Parramatta North, you can contact the City of Parramatta

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