City of Parramatta Council have previously approved a development application for the construction of an internal road network within the Melrose Park North precinct. To ensure safe traffic flow to and from the precinct, two roundabouts are proposed to be constructed by the developer at the following intersections.
- TS/2024/34: Hughes Avenue at Linden Grove, Ermington
- TS/2024/35: Hope Street at Waratah Street, Melrose Park
Council is consulting with the community and is inviting written submissions from residents, businesses and relevant authorities. Submissions must be provided to Council by Tuesday 21 January 2025 by any of the following methods:
Submissions can be sent to:
- Email:
- Post:
Traffic and Transport Services
City of Parramatta Council
PO Box 32 Parramatta NSW 2124
Please clearly state your street address, corresponding survey reference number (TS 2024 34 or TS 2024 35), and your opinion of the proposal (Support, Support to an extent, Do Not Support) in any reply you provide.
If you have any further queries regarding this matter, please contact City of Parramatta’s Traffic and Transport Executive Engineer, Behzad Saleh on 02 9806 8410.