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On Exhibition


27 November 2024

Epping Town Centre Master Plan

Have your say

Council is inviting the community of Epping to share their aspirations for the Town Centre west of the railway through a short survey.

The results of this survey, along with insights from previous community engagement for the wider Epping area, will inform the development of a vision and urban design principles for the Epping Town Centre Master Plan.

A second, more detailed round of community consultation will occur later in the master planning process, prior to the draft Master Plan being placed on public exhibition.

How to have your say

Feedback can be shared via:


Other ways to share feedback:

  • Email to (Ref: Epping Town Centre Master Plan)
  • Post to:
    City of Parramatta
    Subject: Epping Town Centre Master Plan
    PO Box 32
    Parramatta NSW 2124

Have your say by 5pm, Thursday, 19 December 2024.

If you need assistance providing feedback, or you would like information supplied in another language or format, please contact Council's Community Engagement Team via 1300 617 058 or

If you would like to speak to someone over the phone in another language, call TIS National on 131 450 for a free interpreting service. Let them know you want to speak to City of Parramatta Council and your chosen language and they will connect you.

Pedestrian Crossing on street with shops and cars

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