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Media Release


26 November 2024

Residents invited to shape the Draft Haslams Creek Flood Study

City of Parramatta is calling on residents living in the Carter Street precinct, Lidcombe, Newington, Silverwater, Sydney Olympic Park, and Wentworth Point, to share their flood knowledge and experiences in Stage One of the Draft Haslams Creek Flood Study.

This is the first of three stages, and an important step in collecting vital information to create a flood model and plan to reduce the impact of flooding.  

Stage Two will include preparation of the draft flood model, seeking community feedback, then finalising the flood study for endorsement by Council.  The final stage will be the development of a Draft Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan, including community consultation.

City of Parramatta Lord Mayor Cr Martin Zaiter said Stage One was about collecting information to better understand flood behaviours and risks, not to determine if a home is flood affected.  

“We are encouraging residents to help us identify local areas where flooding is a problem, and to contribute to the development of a new flood model by sharing their experiences,” Cr Zaiter said.  

“This will give us a clearer picture of the steps we need to take to reduce flood risks in our City and keep our community safe.

“The flood study is also a foundation piece of work for our long-term plans to upgrade Hill Road and deliver the Hill Road Masterplan.”

Council’s FloodSmart program is set to include the Haslams Creek catchment area from early 2025. The award-winning service has been created to help protect homes and businesses that could be affected in a flood.

“FloodSmart is a free early-warning service for our residents. It provides information on localised flooding and flood warnings at your fingertips,” Cr Zaiter said.

The NSW Government requires all councils to produce flood studies for their Local Government Area.

Stage One of the Draft Haslams Creek Flood Study is open for submissions until 5pm Wednesday 11 December 2024.

Visit Council’s Participate Parramatta website to make a submission or for more information.

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