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Council News


31 July 2024

Public Notice – Adoption of Parramatta North Precinct DCP controls

At its meeting of 22 July 2024, City of Parramatta Council endorsed the Church North Precinct DCP controls.

The Church Street North Precinct constitutes the portion of the Parramatta City Centre situated north of the river. The controls were prepared to support the SEPP (Church Street North Precinct) 2023 which was published on 15 December 2023 and took effect on 1 July 2023.

The DCP controls amend Parramatta DCP 2023 as follows:

  a. Section 7.10.1 relating to the North Parramatta Heritage Conservation Area (HCA) in Part 7 – Heritage and         Archaeology, required because the Parramatta City Centre extends into a portion of the HCA.

  b. Various sections of Part 9 – Parramatta City Centre which:
       i. ‘switch on’ the Part 9 controls so they apply to the Precinct; and 
       ii. insert new Special Area controls as Section 9.5.11 Church Street North. 

   c. Part 9B by deleting redundant content on account of b. above but retain the controls that apply to        the Auto Alley (West) area. These will eventually be extinguished by the Southern PIA project. 

The Council resolution and Council reports can be viewed online here:
Agendas and Minutes : City of Parramatta ( (refer to Item 13.3 in the Business Paper for Council’s meeting of 22 July 2024).

The Parramatta North Precinct DCP controls take effect from Friday, 2 August 2024. The revised Parramatta Development Control Plan 2023 can be found online at: Development control plans | City of Parramatta (

For further information, please contact a member of the Strategic Land Use Planning Team on (02) 9806 5050.

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