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Gasworks Bridge over Parramatta River

Council News


12 July 2024

Gasworks Bridge Works Completed

Gasworks Bridge Works Completed


Following a year of specialist remediation works, the Gasworks Bridge on Macarthur Street Parramatta is now fully open to pedestrians, cyclists and motorists.

Work has included:

  • removal of existing old (lead) paint and application of new protective paint
  • cleaning of the bridge drainage infrastructure
  • waterproofing of the concrete road surface
  • concrete and steel repairs to prevent future damage
  • replacement of the bridge timber planks
  • replacement of damaged bridge railing
  • road resurfacing work on Macarthur Street and Harris Street
  • minor mangrove trimming around the bridge
  • removal of graffiti. 

Extensive work carried out on this important local landmark has ensured that Gasworks Bridge remains a safer bridge and waterway for transport users and the local community for decades to come.

The Gasworks Bridge is one of 20 remaining lattice girder bridges in NSW. Opened in 1885 by the then Mayor of Parramatta, Joseph Smith, the bridge is supported on large sandstone piers and has three (31 metres in length) truss spans and two steel beam approach spans. The bridge extends 110 metres in length and 6.8 metres in width and comprises of two narrow 3.4 metre road lanes with a walkway cantilevered on the western side of the bridge.

Since its construction the Gasworks Bridge has been an important item of transport infrastructure in NSW. One few north south connections in the City, it has greatly contributed to the social and cultural development of Western Sydney and is of great heritage value.


Contact TfNSW delivery partner

For further information about this project, please contact:

Fulton Hogan

Phone: 1800 568 981

Please note Transport for NSW may not need to close Gasworks Bridge for all of the weekends listed above. Notification of all confirmed bridge closures will be displayed on variable message signage boards at least five days before any traffic changes come into effect.

Project information

Transport for NSW carried out investigation work on Gasworks Bridge at Macarthur Street, Parramatta in March and April 2022. This work identified that remediation work was needed for the structural steel elements of the bridge.

Bridge remediation work commenced on Monday 31 July 2023, with work activities including:

  • installation of a fully enclosed scaffolding system
  • removal of existing old (lead) paint and application of new protective paint
  • cleaning of the bridge drainage infrastructure
  • concrete and steel repairs to prevent future damage
  • rectification of the bridge timber planks
  • replacement of damaged bridge railing
  • scaffolding installation
  • minor mangrove trimming around the bridge
  • removal of graffiti.

Work is expected to be completed by mid-2024.

Did you know?

Gasworks Bridge is one of 41 lattice girder bridges built throughout New South Wales and Victoria. Construction on the bridge began in 1878, with work completed in 1885. The bridge was opened by the then Mayor of Parramatta, Joseph Smith.

The bridge is supported on large sandstone piers and has three (31 metres in length) truss spans and two steel beam approach spans. The bridge extends 110 metres in length and 6.8 metres in width and comprises of two narrow 3.4 metre road lanes with a walkway cantilevered on the western side of the bridge.

Since its construction the Gasworks Bridge has been an important item of transport infrastructure in NSW and has greatly contributed to the social and cultural development of Western Sydney.

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Fulton Hogan

Phone: 1800 568 981

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Contact TfNSW delivery partner

For further information about this project, please contact

Fulton Hogan

Phone: 1800 568 981

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