On this page requests can be made and problems reported in the following categories:
- Waste Bin Serviced Missed
Report a bin not emptied or partially emptied on collection day. Please ensure your bin is presented on kerb for collection after you report it.
Report Missed Waste Bin ServiceWaste Bin DamagedTo report when a Bin get damaged and require repair or replacement. Please ensure your bin is presented on kerb for repair or replacement after you report it.
Report damaged waste binWaste Bin Stolen Or LostBins sometimes get lost or stolen and require replacement. Please report a lost or stolen bin and a replacement will be delivered to the nearest nature strip in front of your property.
Report a lost or stolen waste binWaste Bin Left OutBins need to be returned to the property within 24 hours after collection. Please report any bins still out in your street after collection day.
Report a bin left outWaste Bin RemoveReport an additional unwanted/dumped bin to be removed from your property.
Report A Waste Bin Requiring Removal - Kerbside Clean Up Missed
Use this to report a scheduled kerbside clean up that has not taken place.
Report a missed kerbside clean upBook A Kerbside Clean UpThe City of Parramatta currently provides a total of 4 kerbside bulky waste clean ups per calendar year. These must be pre-booked by residents.
Book A Kerbside Clean UpWaste Container PermitApplication to locate a building waste container on a public street or footpath.
Report dumped rubbish on council land or nature strip so that it can be investigated.
Report Illegally Dumped RubbishWaste Management General InformationEnquiry about general waste information such as waste calendars, sustainability programs or information programs.
General Information On WasteCleaning Of Public AmenitiesReport when public amenities such as public toilets need to be cleaned.
Report uncleanliness in public amenitiesPublic Waste Bins FullReport when a public bins is overflowing and needs to be emptied.
Report public waste bins fullRequest For The Removal Of LitterRequest for the removal of litter within the main CBD of Parramatta area.
Request removal of litterWaste Container PermitApplication to locate a building waste container on a public street or footpath.
Waste container permit application
- Repair of a single pothole
Report a single pothole in a council road that requires repair.
Report a potholeRepair of multiple potholes or major road repairsReport a serious pothole or other major damage to a road likely to adversely affect a vehicle encountering it.
Report multiple potholes or major road damageRequest For Street SweepingRequest street sweeping to clear a council road of minor debris.
Request Street SweepingTraffic Island Roundabout MaintenanceReport a traffic or refuge island that is damaged or in need of repair.
Report Damage to Traffic or Refuge IslandRepair of existing kerb and gutterReport damage to kerb and or gutter on a council road.
Request repair of kerbs and guttersBarricade IssuesReport a council road barricade that has been damaged or fallen over or is in other disrepair or malfunctioning.
Report problem barricadesImprovement of existing street lightingReport damaged, inoperable or insufficient street lighting
Report poor street lightingDamaged street or furniture barriersReport council furniture or barriers that have been damaged or are in need of repair.
Report damaged street furniture or barriers - Manufacture And Maintain Street Name Signs
Report the need for repair of an existing street name sign or the manufacture of a new one.
Request Manufacture and Maintain Street Name SignsRequest For New Traffic Or Parking SignRequest new traffic or parking sign to address a persistent interruption in traffic flow or parking.
Request A New Traffic Or Parking SignMaintenance Of Information SignRequest maintenance of an information sign that is damaged or illegible.
Request Maintenance of An Information SignRequest For New Information SignRequest a new sign to address a lack of useful information.
Request for New Information SignMaintenance Of A Bus Shelter With AdvertisingRequest maintenance of a bus shelter with advertising that may be illegible, have graffiti or be in need of repair.
Request Maintenance of a Bus Shelter with AdvertisingMaintenance Of A Bus Shelter Without AdvertisingRequest maintenance of a bus shelter without advertising that may have graffiti or be in need of repair.
Request Maintenance Of A Bus Shelter Without Advertising - General Obstruction On The Footpath
Report an obstruction on the footpath.
Report a footpath that has been obstructedRepair Of Existing FootpathReport and request repairs to an existing footpath.
Request Repair of Existing FootpathRequest For New FootpathRequest for a new footpath to be constructed where there is none or where a footpath ends unexpectedly and illogically.
Request for New Footpath
- Overgrown Verge That Requires Mowing
Request that overgrown verge (the grass next to the gravel shoulder of a road) be cut back or mowed.
Report Overgrown VergeOvergrown Vegetation On Council LandReport and request that overgrown vegetation, growing out of control on council land, be trimmed or cut back.
Report Overgrown Vegetation on Council Land - Maintenance Of Park Play Equipment
Report and request repair of damaged playground, water park or exercise equipment.
Request Maintenance of Park Play EquipmentMaintenance Of Park FurnitureReport and request repair of damaged park furniture such as benches.
Request Maintenance of Park FurnitureMaintenance Of Council's Parks & Reserves BuildingReport and request repairs to a building, such as a toilet block or canteen, located within a council park or reserve.
Request Maintenance of Council's Parks & Reserves BuildingMaintenance Of Sports InfrastructureReport and request repairs to sporting infrastructure such as soccer or football uprights or a cricket pitch, located within a council park or reserve.
Request Maintenance of Sports InfrastructureMaintenance Of Council's Parks & ReservesReport and request general repairs to council parks or reserves such as turf or walking track repair.
Request Maintenance of Council's Parks & ReservesRequest For Mowing In A ParkRequest for mowing on a council park or reserve where the grass growth has become prohibitive to activity.
Request Mowing In A ParkFlooding In Council's Parks And ReservesReport flooding in council parks and reserves where water levels have become dangerous or prohibit intended use.
Report Flooding in Council's Parks & ReservesVandalism Of Parks And ReservesReport and request repair to council parks and reserves that have been vandalised.
Report Vandalism of Parks & ReservesRequest For Information On ParksFor general information on parks and reserves visit the relevant page on council's website.
Information on Council Park's and ReservesBushland Walking Track MaintenanceReport and request maintenance required to a bushland walking track that may have been washed out or have a tree obstruction or any condition that poses a risk to public health and safety or enjoyment of intended experience.
Request Bushland Walking Track Maintenance
- Dead Animal On Council Land
Report a dead animal on council land that requires disposal.
Report A Dead Animal On Council LandStray Or Roaming Animal On Council LandReport a stray or roaming animal on council land that is in distress or represents a nuisance or danger.
Report A Stray Or Roaming AnimalBarking DogReport a dog that is barking and disrupting the peace or displaying signs of aggression.
Report Barking Dog
- Fallen trees or branches
Request that tree branches fallen on council land be collected and removed
Report Tree Branches Needing CollectionRequest For Tree RemovalSend a request to council to have a tree removed from council land.
Request For A Tree On Council Land To Be RemovedRequest For Tree MaintenanceRequest that a tree on council land be pruned or trimmed.
Request For Tree MaintenanceTree Investigation (Species, Heritage, Diseased)Request that a tree on council land be investigated for reasons of species, heritage or disease.
Request A Tree InvestigationRequest For Tree Stump GrindingRequest that a tree stump on council land be subjected to stump grinding.
Request for Tree Stump GrindingRequest for a new treeRequest replacement of a tree that was previously removed or collected after falling, or a new tree.
Request for a new tree - Trees On Private Land Overhanging Council Land
Report a tree on private land overhanging council land that may pose a risk to public health and safety.
Report Trees on Private Land Overhanging Council LandBreach Of Tree Preservation Order On Private LandReport a breach of a tree preservation order on private land such as when a protected tree is removed.
Report Breach of Tree Preservation Order
- Food Shop Hygiene And Handling
Report food shop hygiene and handling issues that may represent a risk to public health and safety.
Report Food Shop Hygiene & HandlingFoodborne Illness ReportReport food related illness or confirmed food poisoning from retail food outlet that is likely to pose further risk to public health and safety.
Report Foodborne IllnessFood Foreign MatterReport foreign matter found in food, contamination of food product with unknown visible matter that may pose a risk to public health and safety.
Report Food Foreign MatterFood Labelling Or CompositionReport improper food labelling or composition issues.
Report Food Labelling Or CompositionPublic Pools And Spas ComplaintReport any issues regarding public pools and spas that may pose a risk to public health and safety.
Report Public Pools and Spas ComplaintSkin And Hair IncidentReport an incident where skin or hair may pose a risk to public health and safety.
Report Skin And Hair Incident
- Drainage Pit Or Pipe Blocked
Report drainage issues surrounding a council pit or blocked pipe.
Report a council pit or pipe blockedDrainage Pit Requires MaintenanceRequest and report a drainage pit that requires maintenance.
Report A Drainage Pit Requires That MaintenanceDrainage Issues On Private LandReport drainage issues on private land that may pose a risk to public health and safety.
Report Drainage Issues on Private Land - Pollution Report - Land Contamination
Report any contaminated land on a site that contains substances that aren't expected under natural circumstances and that may pose a risk to public health and safety.
Report Land ContaminationPollution Report - Water, Dirty Water and MosquitosReport any contaminated water that contains substances that aren't expected under natural circumstances and that may pose a risk to public health and safety.
Report Water Contamination
- Maintenance Of A Council Landscape
Request maintenance or repair of a council landscape such as a landscape or monument within Prince Alfred Square or Centenary Square.
Request Maintenance of a Council LandscapeRequest For General InformationIf you have a request for general information please visit the Online Services page and submit a request.
Submit a request
- Abandoned Vehicle
Report if an vehicle is abandoned on council land such as roads and nature strips.
Report an abandoned VehicleParking OffenceReport a parking offence such as a vehicle is blocking a driveway. Please note council can only issue an infringement on the offending vehicle. It is unable to remove vehicles.
Report A Parking OffenceProhibited ActivityReport work or activity that may be deemed illegal or dangerous that a ranger should inspect.
Report Prohibited Activity - Removal Of Graffiti On Council Land
Lodge requests for the removal of Graffiti from Council Land
Request Removal Of Graffiti
- Development - Not in Conformity (Private PCA)
Report a development that is not conforming to agreed plans (Private PCA)
Report Not in Conformity (Private PCA) Development Issues