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Park and reserve masterplans

North Granville community facilities masterplan

City of Parramatta is working with the NSW Government to revitalise public spaces as part of the Parramatta Road Urban Amenity Improvement Program (PRUAIP).

As part of our commitment to the PRUAIP, Council developed a masterplan. It identifies improvements to community and recreational facilities to support the future population of North Granville.

The masterplan area is bounded by Parramatta Road (south), Alfred Street (west), Gray Street (north), Onslow Street and Duck Creek (east).

Project timeline

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Stage 1

Stage 1 of the masterplan was adopted by Council meeting 16 December 2019.

It includes improvements to F.S. Garside Park and Alfred Street, as specified by PRUAIP.

Figure 1: Adopted Stage 1 - North Granville community facilities masterplan

Stage 1 implementation includes:

  • provision of play spaces and facilities for different ages and abilities
  • southern half of Onslow Street converted to open space
  • improving access and functionality to the playing field
  • provision of a range of outdoor gathering spaces including picnic shelters, tables and seating
  • reduction in concrete play surfaces and planting of mature trees to reduce urban heat and provide nature-based play
  • new parking arrangement for Gray Street and the northern section of Onslow Street
  • creating a separated cycleway along Alfred Street to connect to the regional cycleway beneath the M4 viaduct.


December 2019 - Completed

  • Adoption of Stage 1 Masterplan

March 2019 - Completed

  • Round 1: Community consultation to inform draft detailed concept for playground, youth recreation and dog park.

May 2020  - Completed

  • Further geotechnical investigations to inform detailed design and remediation

June 2020 - Completed

  • Public exhibition of the draft Alfred Street Cycleway concept plan

September 2020 - Completed

  • Alfred Street Cycleway concept design adopted by Council 12 September 2020

October - November 2020  - Completed

  • Development of remediation action plan for F.S. Garside Park

November 2020 - Completed

  • Finalize detailed design for Alfred Street Cycleway

December 2020 - Completed

  • Submit draft remediation action plan, draft concept plan and project documentation for the NSW Government for approval to progress F.S. Garside Park project

May 2021

  • Estimated procurement for Alfred Street cycleway (Stage 1 - Eleanor to Gray Street)

April 2021

  • Round 2 community consultation to review draft concept plan for F.S. Garside Park (subject to NSW government approval TBC)

June 2021

  • Estimated commencement of construction of Alfred Street Cycleway (Stage 1 - Eleanor to Gray Street)
  • Flood modelling study for F.S. Garside Park

Late 2021

  • Estimated completion of Alfred Street Cycleway (Stage 1 - Eleanor to Gray Street)

Mid 2022

  • Estimated completion of detailed design for F.S. Garside Park (subject to NSW government approval TBC)

Late 2022

  • Estimated construction of F.S. Garside Park and Alfred Street Cycleway (Stage 2 - Gray Street to Parramatta Road)

Please note that the timeline on this page is indicative only until completion of the detailed concept design.

FS Garside Park improvements

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Council conducted initial community engagement (March 2020) to inform the draft design of the F.S. Garside playground and recreational spaces.

Historical records identified F.S. Garside Park as a former landfill site. Additionally the park experiences flooding due to it's close proximity to Duck Creek. Initial soil investigations conducted in 2018 identified extensive soil contamination in some areas of the park. These areas are closed to public access. Further soil investigative works was conducted in July 2020 to determine the best approach to remediate and transform the park.

A draft remediation action plan was developed to identify public safety, environmental, remediation and construction requirements. Work has commenced to develop a Review of Environmental Factors report and flood study.

Public health and safety is our highest priority and the site constraints posed at F.S. Garside Park requires extensive analysis, investigation and approvals to ensure that the park can be returned to the community safely and does not impact future flooding events.

Council is planning further community consultation later this year (2021) following project documentation review and approval. We greatly appreciate your support and patience as we safely upgrade F.S. Garside Park.

Alfred Street Cycleway

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Alfred Street was identified as a key connecting route to the Parramatta CBD. This upgrade of Alfred Street includes improvements to the streetscape and cycleway to separate cyclists from vehicles.

Following community consultation, the plans for Alfred Street Cycleway were put forward to the Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting held on Thursday 13 August 2020, and subsequently endorsed by Council at it's meeting held on Monday 14 September 2020.

Detailed design is almost complete. Construction of stage 1 of the cycleway (Eleanor Street to Gray Street) and improved street scape is estimated to begin mid 2021.

For more information, please refer to the Alfred Street Cycleway Frequently Asked Questions or contact the project team at or on 9806 5632.

Parramatta Road Urban Amenity Improvement Program

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The NSW Government awarded City of Parramatta $13 million to improve public spaces in Granville and rejuvenate it as a place to live, shop and do business.

This grant is part of a wider program to revitalise public spaces along the Parramatta Road corridor.

The Parramatta Road Urban Amenity Improvement Program (PRUAIP) provides funding to local councils to develop open spaces and plazas, cycle paths, playing fields and streetscape improvements along the Parramatta Road Corridor.

There are two key social infrastructure projects planned for Granville:

  • North Granville community facilities masterplan
  • Revitalising the streetscape and public domain at Good and Bridge Street

Get in touch

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If you have any questions you can get in touch with our Place Services Team on 1300 617 058 or


Alfred St Cycleway Stage 1 - Draft Concept Plan

Alfred St Cycleway Stage 1 - Draft Technical Documentation: Signage & Linemarking

Alfred St Cycleway Stage 1 - Draft Technical Documentation: Vehicle Turning Paths and Movement Plans

Stage 1 North Granville Community Facilities Masterplan Report Dec 2019 (File no longer available)

Stage 1 North Granville Community Facilities Engagement Report Dec 2019 (File no longer available)

June 2020 Project newsletter

April 2020 Project newsletter

March 2020 Project newsletter

We know that COVID-19 has had a significant impact on the City of Parramatta community and economy. It is an extremely challenging time for many, so it’s important that Council does everything possible to support our people during this pandemic and beyond.

We have introduced a range of measures to help residents, businesses, and staff get through this, including a plan to fast-track projects that will help support the local economy and provide jobs.

It’s important that Council continues to seek feedback from the community on projects as your input matters. By working together, we can build a more resilient City that will be ready and open for business when the time is right.

Upcoming events