Planning Proposal Scoping Study You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Your details Site Address Street address Suburb Postcode Applicant Name Company Name Contact number example: 0298065000 Email Address Description of the Planning Proposal Supporting Documentation (JPEG, PDF, Msg, MP4) 20MB File Limit This will enable the submission of a Scoping study/ architectural plans to be submitted to Council for a preliminary discussion. Upload Upload requirementsUnlimited number of files can be uploaded to this field.20 MB limit. Privacy Notice: The information provided by you on this form will be used by City of Parramatta to process your request. The provision of this information is required and if not provided, Council may not be able to fully process your request. Once collected by City of Parramatta, the information can be accessed by you in accordance with City of Parramatta's Privacy Management Plan and Privacy Policy or in special circumstances, where legislation requires or where you give permission for third party access. You may also amend or correct your personal information by contacting City of Parramatta. City of Parramatta is the agency that holds the personal information and will store it securely. Submit Was this page helpful to you? Yes No Submit