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Pitch for Good Parramatta 2024

About Pitch For Good

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Pitch for Good is an innovative project designed to empower not-for-profit organisations and social enterprises by helping them generate awareness and secure funding for their projects.

Supported by City of Parramatta Council, this program leverages innovative strategies, such as online fundraising and a live pitch event, to support organisations.

This program is run in partnership with StartSomeGood, a social enterprise supporting social impact projects, and assisting social entrepreneurs to launch and grow their initiatives.

Support a Local Crowdfunding Campaign and Make a Difference

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Two women speaking to each other


The Success Works - Opening Doors Project

The project aims to open the doors of employment for women with a criminal record by educating businesses in the Parramatta region on navigating the Role vs Record vs Risk process. Through a series of information sessions, an online portal enabling both employers and candidates to assess roles/risk profiles and support employment pathways, they aim to open the doors of 100 businesses to including women with a record in their inclusive recruitment processes.


Women smiling



The Retirees in School Engagement (ARISE) project will utilise the untapped skills and expertise of retirees in the Parramatta region. It creates an intergenerational community learning and mentoring experience for retirees, students and teachers. It gives retirees a way to stay in touch with their community, provides students with skills and support and is an extra avenue for teachers to support their student’s career paths.


Women and Men in front of food baskets


House of Welcome

The Emergency Living Program (EPL) will support refugees and people seeking asylum to access emergency support services including education, health, accommodation and legal services. Refugees and people seeking asylum often face multifaceted challenges beyond employment, such as housing insecurity and financial instability. EPL will support refugees and people seeking asylum to access emergency support such as food parcels, food vouchers, Opal cards, medications and GP access.

 Men and Women packing sheets


St. Merkorious Charity

A charity serving those in need by collecting, preparing, cooking and distributing food to address food insecurity in the community. They also provide services such as counselling and haircuts. The demand has risen significantly, and they are unable to sustain their operations without new contributions.


Women helping children


Collective Leisure – Sportability Club

The Sportability Club offers free weekly sessions for children and young people with disabilities, along with their siblings, to participate in fun multisport activities that enhance physical literacy, foster friendships, and improve overall well-being.

Launching in Parramatta, Sydney in February 2025, the Club will be led by Collective Leisure’s trained sports coaches from refugee backgrounds.


Upcoming events