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Request for 80L, 140L or 240L Red Lid Garbage Bin

Note – You DO NOT need to fill out this form if you are happy to receive the 80L red lid garbage bin. Only property owners of single unit dwellings (houses and duplexes) can complete this application form. Tenants must refer any requests to the property owner.


How to complete this form: Property owners can fill in a digital form to confirm the preferred size of their red lid garbage bin. (Note – Bin upgrade requests received from 16 December onwards will be processed in the new year, as Council and its contractors operate with reduced services during the Christmas and New Year holiday period. Thank you for your understanding.)

See cost breakdown below:

Bin Size Annual Cost Cost Implication
80L red lid garbage bin $457.85* Cost saving of $42.69 reflected in your rates notice
140L red lid garbage bin $500.54* No additional fee – cost remaining the same as is currently being paid.
240L red lid garbage bin $754.69* Additional cost of $254.15 on what you currently pay (based on existing standard 140L red lid bin service), which will be reflected in your rates notice. 

*24/25 financial year

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