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On Exhibition


15 April 2024

Planning Proposal for land at 45 Macquarie Street, Parramatta

Overview of Planning Proposal

The City of Parramatta Council is publicly exhibiting a draft site-specific Planning Proposal for land at 45 Macquarie Street, Parramatta. The site is otherwise known as 30-32 Hunter Street and 130 Marsden Street Parramatta. 

The subject site contains an existing high density mixed-use retail and commercial building, ground level retail with public piazza, six level commercial podium building, 16 level commercial tower, as well as an archaeological interpretation zone (consisting of the Phillip Ruddock Heritage Centre, exposed archaeological site and museum) and through site link. 

Changes to Planning Controls

This Planning Proposal seeks to amend the Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2023 (PLEP 2023) as follows:

  • Amend the Heritage Map to reduce the curtilage of the archaeological site known as A16 under Schedule 5, Part 3 Archaeological Sites of the PLEP 2023 (SP 94336, SP 94348 and SP 94349), to align with Item 02027 on the NSW State Heritage Register.

Note that this Planning Proposal only seeks an administrative adjustment to the curtilage of the archaeological site to streamline heritage mapping across levels of government. No uplift nor intensification of development is proposed on the subject site.

The Planning Proposal will continue to protect the heritage values and character of the subject site while enabling exempt and complying development to take place under the State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008 in the parts of the existing building excluded from the heritage listing. This will allow minor alterations to occur to the building without affecting the heritage significance of the archaeological remains. 

Map of the current status
Figure 1 (Before): Existing heritage items extracted from the PLEP 2023 Heritage Map (taken from Planning Proposal)


Map of the proposed
Figure 2 (After): Proposed amendment to the PLEP 2023 Heritage Map, proposed curtilage shaded in yellow (taken from Planning Proposal)

No other changes are proposed to development standards within the PLEP 2023.

Due to its administrative nature, neither a Planning Agreement nor a site-specific Development Control Plan accompanies the Planning Proposal. The Planning Proposal is not seeking to amend the planning controls that currently apply to the site in order to increase density on the site. Therefore, it will not result in additional demand on existing infrastructure, and hence, no Planning Agreement is required. 

Making a submission:

There are a number of ways that you can have a say on this Planning Proposal. Council is now inviting formal submissions of feedback for the exhibition of the Planning Proposal. 

Submissions are welcome until Wednesday, 15 May 2024.

Online Submissions:

Use the form below to submit feedback online and upload any documents to support your submission.


Written comments can be emailed to (please quote “RZ/7/2022” in the subject line)


City Planning

City of Parramatta Council

P.O. Box 32

Parramatta NSW 2124

Attention: Rachel Machkevitch & Sameer Jassal – Major Projects & Precincts 

Subject: Public Exhibition of 45 Macquarie Street, Parramatta (RZ/7/2022)


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