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NSW Government Policies

NSW Government Low-and Mid-Rise Housing Reforms

In late 2023 the NSW Government exhibited new reforms to create more low-and mid-rise housing.

Over 8000 submissions were received during the exhibition process. Information on how the State Government is responding to the submissions can be found here


News - Update 1 July 2024 - Stage 1 announced – Dual occupancy and semi-detached dwellings

The NSW Government’s State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing) Amendment (Dual Occupancies and Semi-detached Dwellings) 2024 (SEPP) came into effect on 1 July 2024.

Under this new SEPP, dual occupancies and semi-detached dwellings will be allowed in R2 Low Density Residential Zones across much of the State. The SEPP makes dual occupancy permitted in parts of the Parramatta LGA where the Parramatta LEP prohibits them.


Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I get more information


Find out more about the NSW Government’s reforms on the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure website.


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