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Domestic and Family Violence

16 Days of Activism

1 in 3 women and 1 in 16 men have experienced domestic and family violence in their lifetime. Council is committed to supporting our community to take action to prevent and respond to domestic and family violence.

From 10 November – 10 December, Council will be partnering with local services through a month long series of activities to commemorate the international campaign ‘16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence’. The annual campaign officially starts on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and finishes on 10 December, International Human Rights Day.

Make It Your Business Campaign

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Domestic and family violence is everyone’s business. We all have a role to play. Below are the stories from everyday people who have made it their business to prevent or respond to domestic and family violence in our community.

All three stories indicate that responding to domestic and family violence is not just a personal responsibility; it's a collective effort that requires the involvement of individuals, communities, and institutions to create a safer and more equitable society.

Recognising Domestic and Family Violence
  • Signs to look out for:

    • Unexplained visible injuries such as bruises, cuts, black eyes etc.
    • Change in behaviour, mood, or personality.
    • Withdrawal from friends and family.
    • Expressions of fear, anxiety, or distress when discussing their home life.
    • Children becoming withdrawn, anxious, or exhibiting signs of aggression.
    • In some cases, another volunteer or client may directly disclose their experience of domestic violence.
  • We've recognised signs of domestic and family violence in clients or colleagues by approaching them with care and compassion, observing changes in their behaviour, looking out for any signs of physical or emotional distress and offering support when needed.

  • It is important to build trust. It is not difficult to sense a need in people when you work closely with them. Change in student behaviour alerts you that something is untoward.

For more information about how to recognize domestic and family violence in the click here.

  • We do the following:

    • Create a safe and confidential environment where victims can seek assistance or guidance without fear of judgment or retaliation.
    • Be a supportive and empathetic listener to those who may confide in you about their experiences with domestic violence. Encourage them to seek help and connect them with resources such as helplines, shelters, and counselling services.
    • Address misconceptions and stereotypes surrounding domestic and family violence whenever you encounter them. Promote a culture of respect, equality, and non-violence.
    • Set a positive example in your own relationships by promoting healthy communication, respect, and conflict resolution skills. Teach children about healthy relationships and boundaries.
  • We have provided support to individuals experiencing domestic and family violence by offering a safe and confidential environment for them to share their experiences

  • Recognise that in most cultures they do not want to talk about their experience or share their stories and in some circumstances, they also do not wish to leave the perpetrator. Therefore, they may need help to build their self-confidence to be able to face up to some of the challenges and hurdles experienced by them.

For more information about how to respond to domestic and family violence click here.

Connecting with help
  • We do the following:

    • Provide information on local support services, including shelters, counselling, legal aid, and hotlines, to connect victims with the help they need.
    • Be a supportive and empathetic listener to those who may confide about their experiences with domestic violence.
    • Promote a culture of respect, equality, and non-violence.
  • We have facilitated access to professional help and resources, and when necessary, we have reported the situation to the appropriate authorities to ensure their safety and well-being

  • (As a community group) it is important to work collaboratively with other stake holders and it makes it easier to find professional help for those who require it. However, in all cases if the situation is extremely serious, then it is important to involve the (police).

For a list of local domestic and family violence services, click here.

Local Events

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Council is partnering with local services to run a series of events throughout November – December 2023.

  • ‘Voices of Insight’ is an exhibition of beautiful and vibrant images that illuminate visual metaphors and symbols used to describe the lived experiences of domestic and family violence. The exhibition provides a response to the violence women have survived and a testament to their continuing strength. 

    When: 10 November – 10 December 
    Where: Parramatta Library at PHIVE, 5 Parramatta Square  

    Learn more
  • Come and say hi to our local services at Parramatta Westfield. Learn about what assistance is available for victims of domestic and family violence.

    When: 6 November – 10 November
    Time: 9:30am – 5:30pm
    Where: Level 3, Parramatta Westfield (in front of Myer and David Jones.)

  • Empower your cause and inspire change with our cutting-edge 3D printing drop-in tailored especially for White Ribbon Day, around this year’s campaign message ‘Make it your business’. Together, let’s make this White Ribbon Day an unforgettable milestone in the fight against domestic violence.

    When: 27 November & 4 December, 3:00pm – 4:30pm   
    Where: Parramatta Library at PHIVE, 5 Parramatta Square  


Find help

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If you think your life is in danger, please call 000. If you are looking for assistance with domestic and family violence, please see visit Council’s Domestic and Family Violence page

You can also reach out 1800 RESPECT 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Upcoming events