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2024 Parramatta River Flood Study

EOI - join Council’s Floodplain Risk Management Committee 
The City of Parramatta’s Floodplain Risk Management Committee supports Council’s floodplain risk management process as set out in the NSW Governments Flood Prone Land Policy. Join this voluntary committee to help inform City of Parramatta’s flood strategy and related projects. For more details, and to lodge your Expression of Interest, please visit, Participate Parramatta. Submissions close 5pm Tuesday 18 March 2025.


The 2023 Draft Parramatta River Flood Study was presented to Council and adopted at its meeting on 11 June 2024.

City of Parramatta will now share the endorsed 2024 Parramatta River Flood Study and modelling with stakeholders and the community, and begin work on the Draft Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan. 

The Draft Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan is Stage 3 in the NSW Government’s Flood Risk Management process. It will investigate and identify appropriate flood mitigation actions that can be delivered to reduce or resolve flooding in areas with a high flood risk. 

When completed, the Draft Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan will be presented to the community for feedback.

View the full report for the 2024 Parramatta River Flood Study, including modelled maps for various levels of flood.



Following community consultation around the impact of flooding, the Draft 2023 Parramatta River Flood Study was on public exhibition for six weeks through September and October 2023. 

The study attracted more than 20,000 page views and feedback received initiated further analysis before flood specialists provided detailed responses to each contributor. 

Following modifications, the 2024 Parramatta River Flood Study was endorsed by Council on 11 June 2024. 

Further community consultation will take place when the next stage of flood study (Stage 3 - the Draft Parramatta River Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan) has been completed. 

Why are flood studies important

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The NSW Government now requires that local councils manage the risk of flooding within their Local Government Area (LGA).

The Parramatta River Flood Study took in around 60% of the LGA and was the largest update to flood modelling in 20 years. Now endorsed by Council, it represents a significant change to how flooding within the Parramatta LGA is understood.

The 2024 Parramatta River Flood Study will increase the accuracy of information around flooding, and identify risks and potential impacts.

Council will now use the 2024 Flood Study to identify potential hazards and create appropriate planning controls to help reduce the impact of flooding.

Council can also use the study to allocate resources and respond effectively to mitigate flood impacts to help keep our community safe.

Sharing this information with State Emergency Services and residents will help with planning and help our community prepare for flooding.  

Is your home flood-affected?

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The 2024 Parramatta River Flood Study models where water flows in heavy storms, how deep the water can become and how dangerous the flows might be. 

While homeowners will be advised if their property will be subject to planning and development controls in relation to flooding, it is important for all residents to understand their flood risk and to plan for flooding.

Find out more

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Review the 2024 Parramatta River Flood Study by downloading the materials including modelled maps which show different size of floods and their impact.


Speak with our team

For more information, call City of Parramatta on 1300 617 058 and ask for the Flood Study team or email 


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