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Media Release


08 May 2023

Lord Mayor Donna Davis

LM Donna Davis


Tomorrow the Lord Mayor of the City of Parramatta, Councillor Donna Davis will be sworn into the NSW Parliament as the Member for Parramatta.

To focus on this role and having completed a short transition period with new CEO Gail Connolly, the Lord Mayor has announced she will resign as Lord Mayor effective Monday 22 May 2023.

Councillor Davis will continue in her role as a Councillor of the City of Parramatta until the next local government elections in September 2024.

The election of a new Lord Mayor will be determined at an Extraordinary Meeting of Council at 5.30pm on Monday 22 May 2023, prior to Council’s Ordinary meeting.

Cr Davis said, “I wish to thank all Councillors and the Council staff for their support during my term as Lord Mayor and I wish the next Lord Mayor all the very best for a successful term in office.”

The business and operations of Council will continue as normal, as we deliver the services, projects, and initiatives our community needs.

For media enquiries please contact: City of Parramatta Council Media Team

t: 02 9806 5965

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