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Closed Tenders

ITT 11/2023 T-Way Stages 1 & 2 Cycleway-Ferndale Cl & Briens Rd, Constitution Hill

ITT 11/2023 T-Way Stages 1 & 2 Cycleway between Ferndale Cl & Briens Rd including Shared Bridge over Toongabbie Creek, Constitution Hill


Tender Closed: 15/6/2023 10:00 AM

Submissions Received From : (listed alphabetically)


  •  Abergeldie Complex Infrastructure
  •  Ally Property Services Pty Ltd
  •  Mack Civil Pty Ltd
  •  Statewide Civil Pty Ltd
  •  Ward Civil Engineering Pty Ltd    


The City of Parramatta Council is located 24 kilometres west of the Sydney CBD and provides a range of goods and services within a local government area (LGA) encompassing some 84 square kilometres and comprises a population of approximately 260,296 people from a range of diverse cultures, lifestyles and experiences


City of Parramatta Council is proposing to construct: Stage 1 - Cycleway between Harris Road and Briens Road including a shared bridge over Toongabbie Creek, Constitution Hill and Stage 2 - Cycleway between Harris Road and Ferndale Close, Constitution Hill to safely separate pedestrians and cyclist from vehicular traffic. This stage includes the upgrade of intersection of Cumberland Highway and Ferndale Close .

The Scope of Works includes:

  • Stage 1 - Construction of FRP (Fibre Reinforced Polymer) Bridge structure including but not limited to deck, head stock, handrail/balustrade;
  • Stage 1 - Construction of connecting boardwalk to the FRP Bridge including but not limited to deck, anti-throw protection screen, handrail/balustrade;
  • Stage 1- Construction of connecting shared cycleway including but not limited to pit modification, bollard, handrail/balustrade; 
  • Stage 1 - Modification of existing heavy vehicular driveway within private property of 197 Briens Road, Westmead noting that vehicular access must be maintained 24/7 during re-construction of the proposed driveway;
  • Stage 2 – Construction of cycleway between Ferndale Close and Intersection of Cumberland Highway that separates pedestrians/cyclist from vehicular traffic including but not limited to junction pit/kerb inlet modification, kerb ramp, kerb and gutter; 
  • Stage 2 - Upgrade of Cumberland and Ferndale Close intersection including but not limited to traffic lights, kerb ramps, line marking, alteration to median strip, kerb and gutter, mill and re-sheet of pavement in accordance to TfNSW standards, lantern change; 
  • Stage 2 - Shared Cycleway construction adjacent and in vicinity to Toongabbie East Public School, works can only be undertaken during school holidays including but not limited to upgrading existing footpath, kerb ramp, vehicular crossing, stormwater pit, Envirowalk Micromash FRP; 
  • Stage 2 - Installation of lighting;
  • Stage 1 and 2 - Installation of line marking and signage; and 
  • Stage 1 and 2 - Landscaping

Tenderers must have ISO Certified Systems for Work Health and Safety, Quality Assurance and Management and Environmental Management to be considered for this tender.

A final decision will be made regarding this Tender, 24 July 2023, with works anticipated to commence September 2023.  The Tender price is for a fixed lump sum.

No pre-tender meeting is proposed, however it is recommended that prospective Tenderers visit the project site to confirm 'scope of work', and if questions arise submit these via the Tenderlink forum or to

REGISTRATION: Tender documents may be obtained (see Tenderlink).

ENQUIRIES: Enquiries should be directed to:
1.    via the online forum (see Tenderlink) or,
2.    email: (please note that Council requires all enquiries for advice with regard to a specific tender to be submitted in writing.)

Please Note: The Tender Forum, both Tenderlink & closes 2 business days before the Tender closing date.

Completed responses can be submitted via the electronic tender box (see Tenderlink) by 10.00am Tuesday, 30 May 2023. 

CLOSING DATE AND TIME: Tenders close at 10.00am Tuesday, 30 May 2023 and submissions must be fully received by this time. The lowest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted, and any action or contact that may be considered as an attempt to influence a decision of Councillors or Staff shall disqualify the relevant tender. Late, verbal or emailed submissions will not be accepted.

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