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About the Council

On 12 May 2016, the Government announced that Parramatta City Council would form a new Local Government Area (LGA) called the City of Parramatta. As a result, boundaries changed and increased from 64km2 to 81km2. This also meant that an additional 35,719 residents are now part of the City of Parramatta community.

Despite these increases, some things remain the same. The City of Parramatta Council continues to be responsible for a broad range of services which include:

  • managing neighbourhoods and city centres including parks and open public spaces
  • operating childcare centres and libraries
  • delivering a vast range of social services such as Meals on Wheels and Neighbourhood Aid and environmental initiatives
  • a diverse events program as well as arts and cultural initiatives 
  • maintaining many facilities such as town halls and community centres 
  • administration of economic development initiatives, development applications and strategically plan for the future development of the city
  • maintaining essential services such as waste collection and road maintenance

The City of Parramatta Council's Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is Gail Connolly. 

For more information about City of Parramatta Council contact our Customer Contact Centre on 1300 617 058.


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