Sydney Metro West is a new underground railway that will connect Greater Parramatta and the Sydney CBD.
This new NSW Government infrastructure project will see next generation trains integrated with the rest of Sydney’s public transport system. A once-in-a-century infrastructure investment, the project is set to transform Sydney for generations to come, doubling rail capacity between the two CBDs, linking new communities to rail services and supporting employment growth and housing supply.
- The Sydney Metro West project will have a target travel time of about 20 minutes between Parramatta and Sydney CBD.
- Metro West trains will be next generation, fully air-conditioned
- Metro West stations will be fully accessible with lifts and level access between trains and platforms.
- The locations of seven metro stations have been confirmed at Westmead, Parramatta, Sydney Olympic Park, North Strathfield, Burwood North, Five Dock and The Bays. Further planning is underway to determine the location of the Sydney CBD station and Pyrmont station.
- Metro West Sydney will use the Opal ticketing system with fares set by the NSW Government.
Latest News
(Back to top)August 2024
Out-of-hours work update Parramatta and Clyde and surrounds
Work continues at Parramatta Metro. To minimise interruption to local traffic and to ensure the safety of motorists, pedestrians and workers, out-of-hours work activities are planned.
Excavation of the station box continues 24 hours a day, Monday to Sunday until late September 2024.
Excavation of the station box will continue during standard construction hours until late 2025.
- Tunnel nozzle excavation and support works within the station box 24 hours a day, Monday to Sunday until January 2025.
- Spoil removal (excavated material), oversized machinery and equipment deliveries to the site between 6pm and 7am Monday 19 August to Saturday 24 August 2024.
- Geotechnical investigations between Marsden and Church Street between 6pm and 7am from Sunday 18 August to Thursday 22 August 2024.
Standard construction hours work:
Work will continue during standard construction hours from Monday to Friday 7am to 6pm and Saturday 8am to 6pm.
Station box excavation will continue during the day and will include rock hammering.
For more information on Metro Parramatta click here.
To download the Metro app and stay updated on Metro Work click below
Clyde and surrounds
Out-of-hours deliveries of oversized machinery and equipment is continuing at Clyde.
Temporary removal of parking - Grand Avenue and Colquhoun Street
Due to the size of some deliveries, temporary removal of street parking on Grand Avenue and Colquhoun Street will be required between:
- 5pm and 4am Monday 19 August to Friday 23 August 2024.
See linked notification for map, deliveries are planned to continue until 12 September.
In the event that vehicles are parked on the delivery route, owners of the vehicle will be contacted by Police and the vehicles towed to a nearby parking spot in the area.
Temporary removal of parking - Wentworth Street
For the delivery of oversized bridge beams, temporary removal of parking along a section of both sides of Wentworth Street will be in place from:
- 4pm to 5am Monday 19 August to Saturday 24 August 2024.
See linked notification for map and more information.
Temporary southbound lane closure on James Ruse Drive
Due to vegetation maintenance adjacent to James Ruse Drive, a temporary southbound lane closure on James Ruse Drive will occur between:
- 10pm and 5am Tuesday 20 August to Wednesday 21 August 2024.
Traffic will remain open in both directions.
Out-of-hours work will continue 24 hours a day, Monday to Sunday onsite with:
- Delivery and installation of bridge girders for the Unwin Street realignment until August 2024.
- Constructing retaining walls within site boundaries including earthworks, piling and concrete pours until late 2024.
- Upgrading utility services and installing under bridge drainage including piling, excavation, formwork and concrete removal and pours within the site and surrounding streets, including Wentworth, Kay, Unwin and Martha streets until late 2024.
- Lining and support work of the junction caverns and service tunnels at Clyde dive, including use of the tower crane, will continue until mid 2025.
- Tunnelling excavation, lining and support work of mainline metro tunnels until mid 2025.
- Delivery of oversized machinery, assembly of equipment and unloading of materials, including spoil stockpiling, until mid 2025.
- Inspecting and maintaining monitoring equipment along the alignment until late 2025.
- Excavating and realignment of Duck and A’Becketts Creek and bridge construction involving steel fixing, formwork and concrete pours 24 hours a day, Monday to Friday until late 2024.
At times, low impact work may extend beyond standard construction hours including Saturday and Sunday. Finishing works using hand tools may be required.
Standard construction hours work:
Work will continue during standard construction hours from Monday to Friday 7am to 6pm and Saturday 8am to 6pm.
Aerial drone filming will also take place on-site. This will be in line with Civil Aviation Safety Authority guidelines.
Tunnelling and major construction will continue at the Parramatta metro station site during January. Some activities will be carried out during standard construction hours Monday to Friday 7am to 6pm and Saturday 8am to 6pm, while others are required to take place out-of-hours or continue 24hrs a day.
Work during standard construction hours:
- Removing concrete sections and piles in stages with saw cutters and jackhammers
- Delivering and removing machinery, equipment, materials via George Street
- Testing and commissioning of the water treatment plant
- Excavating the station box including support work and concreting.
Out-of-hours /24hrs a day work will include:
- Construction of the diaphragm wall and support work (until late May 2024)
- Excavation of the station box (until late 2025)
- Spoil removal (excavated material), oversized machinery and equipment deliveries to the site between 6pm and 7am
- Surveying, utility investigations and upgrades within and around site between 6pm and 7am Monday to Friday.
More information:
For more information see -
Tunnelling and major construction will continue at the Westmead metro station site during January. Some activities will be carried out during standard construction hours Monday to Friday 7am to 6pm and Saturday 8am to 6pm, while some out-of-hours and 24/7 work will also be required.
Work during standard construction hours:
- Excavation of the station box using excavators, rock hammers and front-end loaders
- Installing rock bolts, ground anchors and spraying shotcrete where excavation occurs
- Surveying, installing and monitoring of survey prisms within local streets and around the site
- Delivering and removing machinery, equipment, materials and spoil (excavated material).
Out-of-hours/ 24hrs a day work will include:
- Repairing a sewer pipe between Alexandra Avenue and Parramatta Park
- Installing, cleaning and maintaining survey devices within local streets and the rail corridor
- Delivering oversized machinery, material and equipment via Hassall Street and Hawkesbury Road. Concrete deliveries to support station works will be via the Hawkesbury Road access gate between 10pm and 6am
- Trenching along Bailey Street between Hassall Street and Hawkesbury Road. Trenching will begin in Hassall Street between Bailey Street and Alexandra Avenue from mid-January and continue into February.
More information:
For more information see -
While other construction continues, excavation of the 200-metre-long, 37-metre-wide, and 27-metre-deep station box for Sydney Olympic Park Metro Station site is now complete. More than 468,000 tonnes of rock and soil, equivalent to 78 Olympic swimming pools, were removed.
This site will also be used as the extraction point for four of the six tunnel boring machines (TBMs) being used to construct the twin tunnels for Sydney Metro West.
Preparations continue for the arrival of two tunnel boring machines from Clyde in mid-2024. The two TBMs tunnelling from Rozelle are expected to reach Sydney Olympic Park during the second half of 2024.
Throughout January some work will continue during standard construction hours, Monday to Friday 7am to 6pm and Saturday 8am to 6pm, and some out-of-hours work will be required.
Work during standard construction hours:
- Delivery and removal of plant and equipment
- Groundwater well monitoring outside the site boundary
- Footpath and road restoration work
- Site establishment work including construction of the site office
- Concrete pours and waterproofing inside the excavated station box
- Installing and monitoring of survey prisms within local streets and around the site.
Out-of-hours work will include:
Oversized machinery and equipment deliveries to the site may occur between 6pm and 7am throughout January.
More information:
For more information see -
A stabling and maintenance facility is being constructed in the Clyde and Rosehill industrial estate bounded by James Ruse Drive, Western Motorway (the M4), Unwin Street and Shirley Street.
Inside the facility, a traction substation will provide power to the metro line and a water treatment plant will treat and recycle all wastewater from the tunnels, stations and underground facilities. The facility will also house offices, parking and storage.
Major construction at the Clyde site continues throughout January. Some activities will be carried out during standard construction hours, Monday to Friday 7am to 6pm and Saturday 8am to 6pm, other works are required to be undertaken out-of-hours or 24/7.
In mid-January temporary road closure are planned. To prepare for the realignment of Unwin Street, sections of Wentworth, Unwin, and Kay Streets in Clyde will be closed to traffic for one weekend in mid-January from Friday night to Monday morning (subject to approvals).
The temporary road closure is planned between the intersection of Wentworth and Martha Street and the intersection of Shirley and Unwin Street. Pedestrian access will be maintained along a pedestrian walkway detour from Martha Street to the corner of Kay and Unwin Streets. More information will be provided as dates for the closure are confirmed.
Work during standard construction hours:
- Earthworks, vegetation clearing and removing waste materials
- Surveying, geotechnical investigations and groundwater monitoring onsite and in nearby streets
- Installing, relocating and decommissioning utility services within the site and surrounding streets
- Constructing bridges over A’Becketts Creek and Duck Creek and retaining walls within site boundaries
- Constructing the dive structure and tunnel portal
- Constructing Unwin Street realignment within site boundaries.
Out-of-hours work
The following works are scheduled to take place 24 hours a day, Monday to Sunday:
- Roadheader excavation, lining and support work of connecting tunnels and junction caverns at Clyde dive, ongoing until mid-2024
- Excavation, lining and support work of mainline metro tunnels, ongoing until mid-2025
- Delivery of oversized machinery, assembly of equipment and unloading of materials, including spoil stockpiling, ongoing until mid-2025
- Installing, maintaining, and relocating utility services including piling, excavation, formwork and concrete pours, ongoing until mid-2024
- Inspecting and maintaining monitoring equipment along the alignment, ongoing until late-2025
- Constructing foundational beams for bridges over A’Becketts Creek and Duck Creek involve steel fixing, formwork and concrete pours between 4am and 7pm until mid-2024
- Constructing retaining walls within site boundary, earthworks, piling, concrete pours will continue from 6am to 6pm on Monday to Sunday until late-2024.
More information:
For more information see
Major construction at the Parramatta metro station site continues during February. These activities will be carried out during standard construction hours: Monday to Friday 7am to 6pm and Saturday 8am to 6pm.
Work will involve:
- Removing concrete sections and piles in stages with saw cutters and jackhammers.
- Delivering and removing machinery, equipment, and materials via George Street.
- Testing and commissioning of the water treatment plant.
- Constructing and excavating the future station box including a diaphragm wall around the perimeter, piling, concreting and support work.
- Surveying, utility investigations and upgrades within and around the site.
- Aerial drone filming on-site. This will be in line with Civil Aviation Safety Authority guidelines.
February 2024 out-of-hours work
To minimise interruption to local traffic and to ensure the safety of motorists, pedestrians and workers around the site, some work must be undertaken outside standard construction hours.
Out-of-hours work will involve:- Construction of the diaphragm wall and support. This work will continue 24 hours a day, Monday to Sunday until early April 2024.
- Excavation of the station box will continue 24 hours a day, Monday to Sunday until late July 2024. Excavation of the station box will continue during standard construction hours until late 2025.
- Spoil removal (excavated material), oversized machinery and equipment deliveries to the site between 6pm and 7am Monday to Friday from Thursday 1 February to Thursday 29 February 2024.
A list of activities planned for February is provided in the latest monthly update, see GLC - WTP Notification – Parramatta (
Work on the 24-kilometre Metro West line including station excavation has resumed.
Tunnel Boring Machines (TBMs) Betty and Dorothy are progressing well on their journey to carve out a section of the twin Sydney Metro West tunnels between Sydney Olympic Park and Westmead. Tunnelling approximately 180 metres a week, they are expected to complete the first 4.5-kilometre leg of their journey and arrive at Sydney Olympic Park in mid-2024.
Meanwhile, TBMs Daphne and Beatrice have broken through rock to arrive at Five Dock Metro Station. Over the past seven months they have created the 4.3-kilometre section of metro tunnel from The Bays to Five Dock.
In addition to tunnelling, site preparation and station excavation work continues. See brief updates below.
More information:
For more information on tunnel works, please call 1800 612 173 or email
For Metro West project enquiries, or complaints about construction work, contact Metro West by sending an enquiry.
Email or call the 24 hour Community Information Line (7 days a week)
Call 1800 612 173 -
Work will continue on Metro West including station excavation up until 22 December. Some out of ours work will also continue.
There will be no construction activities at over the holiday period from Friday 22 December 2023 to Sunday 7 January 2024 inclusive.
For more information on tunnel works, please call 1800 612 173 or email
For Metro West project enquiries, or complaints about construction work, please get in touch by sending an enquiry to Metro West.
Email or call the 24 hour Community Information Line (7 days a week)
Call 1800 612 173 -
Westmead Night Works October to late November
Sydney Metro West will begin night works around the future Westmead metro station site from Thursday 26 October. Works which include site investigations along utility routes will continue until late November. The work will progress along Hawkesbury Road, Hassall Street and the intersections of both with Alexandra Avenue to assess ground conditions and confirm the location of the existing underground utility services.
This work will take up to 13 nights, weather and ground conditions permitting, taking place on: Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays between 8pm and 5am.
Site investigation work will involve:
- setting up traffic management
- surveying and marking the location of services on the ground with spray paint
- saw cutting small sections of road and/or footpath to confirm the location of services
- opening and inspecting existing pits
- temporarily restoring impacted areas.
More trenching work is expected to begin from late November, once the site investigations are complete. This work will relocate gas and telecommunications services around the future Westmead metro station site and involve installing new gas pipes and telecommunication cables in two separate trenches in Hawkesbury Road, Bailey Street and Hassall Street and reconnecting them into existing services.
More information:
Contact Blake from the Sydney Metro West community team on 1800 612 173. If you would prefer to receive updates by email, please send a request to latest Metro news visit
Metro connect – download the app for updates
Download the Sydney Metro Connect app onto your device to stay informed about current work and project milestones on Sydney Metro West.
Work at the new Parramatta metro station commenced in early 2022 and site establishment work including utility investigations and installation of new power supply will continue this year.
Major work including piling and excavation for the Parramatta Metro Station is also planned to commence in 2023.The new underground metro station will be located on the block bounded by George, Macquarie, Church and Smith streets. Excavation of the station box will occur in stages and underground, the tunnel boring machines are expected to reach Parramatta in mid- 2025.
Planned changes to traffic and pedestrian access will begin soon. Horwood Place will be redirected via Macquarie Lane.
To learn more about the planned traffic and pedestrian changes at Horwood Place and around the site, and for information on the construction program including out-of-hours work and heritage investigations, read the January 2023 newsletter.Clyde update
Site work at Clyde continues to prepare for the start of major construction. Starting February, this will involve out-of-hours work including:
- Excavation and tunnel work at Clyde, from Monday 20 February 2023, 24 hours a day, Monday to Friday until late 2023.
- Construction of the ‘launch box’ for the tunnel boring machines at the Rosehill services facility including excavation, formwork and concrete pours, 24 hours a day, Monday to Sunday until mid-July 2023.
- Delivery of oversized machinery and unloading of materials including spoil stockpiling between 6pm and 7am from Wednesday 1 February to Tuesday 28 February 2023.
- Installing utility services and monitoring equipment at Rosehill Gardens Racecourse carpark between Hope Street and Prospect Street between 8pm and 8am Monday to Friday from Wednesday 1 February to Tuesday 28 February 2023.
For details, please see the Metro West February newsletter.
In December, work to prepare for the start of major construction on Sydney Metro West will continue.
Out-of-hours work
Oversized machinery and equipment deliveries to site between 6pm and 7am will continue until Friday 23 December 2022.
- In Parramatta, out-of-hours delivery of oversized machinery and equipment will take place between 10pm and 5am on Monday 19 December (weather and site conditions permitting).
- Stormwater investigations and utility upgrades on George Street and Church Street will take place between 6pm and 7am, Monday to Friday until Friday 23 December 2022.
This will involve: saw-cutting, trenching and potholing - removing spoil and stockpiling in the Parramatta site - backfilling trenches and temporary restoration of impacted areas.
Work during standard construction hours
Work will continue Monday to Friday 7am to 6pm and Saturday 8am to 6pm including:
- archaeological investigations and reinstating disturbed areas
- geotechnical and groundwater monitoring
- utility investigations and upgrades
- removing concrete with saw cutters and jack hammers to clear the site
- site establishment works including installing fencing, hoarding, barriers and signage, and constructing internal and shared access roads
- removing waste materials including demolition waste, building and hazardous materials. Note: all hazardous materials removal work is being undertaken in accordance with SafeWork NSW guidelines- work will also being to construct concrete foundations and a piling mat to prepare for excavation activities.
Clyde update
Works at Clyde continue.Out-of-hours utility investigations will take place in the Rosehill Gardens Racecourse carpark between Hope Street and Prospect Street between 10pm and 8am over two nights from Tuesday 20 December to Thursday 22 December 2022, weather and site conditions permitting.
End-of-year closure:
There will be no construction activities on Metro sites over the holiday period from Friday 23 December 2022 to Sunday 8 January 2023 inclusive. Work will recommence from Monday 9 January 2023. Security will monitor the site during this period.
Contact the Sydney West Metro team
Call the 24-hr community information line 1800 612 173
Email -
Have your say on the Parramatta and Sydney Olympic Park precincts
The NSW Government is inviting the community to have their say on the mega Sydney Metro West project including the seven buildings planned for above or adjacent to stations on the 24km Sydney Metro West line.
This is your opportunity to respond to plans for four (4) new buildings at the Parramatta metro precinct and three (3) buildings at Sydney Olympic Park metro precinct.
These buildings will provide public open spaces, retail at ground level, and opportunities for commercial and residential spaces.
Feedback received during this stage will set the framework for the next phase of planning and design work.
The community will be invited to give feedback again when details for the buildings and surroundings will be exhibited.
Have Your Say
Please submit your comments on Sydney Olympic Park metro over and adjacent station development external site and Parramatta metro over station development external site before 13 December 2022.More information - meet the Sydney Metro team
The community is invited to attend information sessions and talk to the Sydney Metro team about the proposed over and adjacent station developments.Monday, 21 November 2022
Club Parramatta, 2 Macquarie Street, Parramatta
Session 1: 11am-2pm
Session 2: 4pm-7pm
Wednesday, 23 November 2022
Sydney Metro information booth, Parramatta Farmers Market,
Centenary Square, Parramatta
Session: 10am-2pm
Monday, 28 November 2022
Forest Room, Novotel, 11A Olympic Boulevard, Sydney Olympic Park
Session 1: 11am-2pm
Session 2: 4pm-7pmMore information:
Visit the Metro West site
Call the Sydney Metro 24 hour Community Information Line call 1800 612 173 ((7 days a week).
For project enquiries, or complaints about construction work, please get in touch with Sydney Metro by sending an enquiry or email (note responses are sent during business hours only).
- Construction Update
Construction work in and around the future Parramatta, Westmead and Sydney Olympic Park metro station sites will be ongoing throughout July.
Some activities will generate noise, but this will be minimised as much as possible. Measures are in place to mitigate construction impacts, including noise and vibration monitoring and dust suppression.
Access to businesses will be maintained unless arrangements are made prior to the start of works.This month out-of-hours work begins at Clyde, including:
- Deliveries of oversized equipment on six nights from Friday 1 July to Sunday 17 July 2022 between 10pm and 5am. Deliveries will enter and exit site via Unwin Street at the Rosehill Services Facility and unload during standard construction hours.
- Utility work on Martha Street will continue to Sunday 14 August 2022 between 7pm to 5am Sunday to Fridays.
- Construction updates
Construction work in and around the future Parramatta, Westmead and Sydney Olympic Park metro station sites has begun.
Access to buildings and driveways will be maintained, traffic controllers will be in place, some parking maybe temporarily restricted in some locations. Environmental measures to mitigate construction impacts including noise and vibration and dust will also be undertaken.
Standard construction hours are Monday to Friday 7am to 6pm and Saturday 8am to 6pm.
During April and May:
- United Lane in Parramatta will be closed for around six weeks to allow for the installation of scaffolding around 48 Macquarie Street to prepare for demolition works.
- Footpaths around Horwood Place, between George and Macquarie streets Parramatta, will be closed from time to time, with pedestrian detours in place, to allow for awning removal, scaffolding and demolition work.
- In Westmead, TfNSW will be undertaking enabling works at the existing Westmead Station to prepare for construction of Sydney Metro. This work primarily involves the relocation of existing services within the rail corridor.
- In May, on-street parking in some sections of Alexandra Avenue Westmead will be removed.
- Site preparation work continues within the Sydney Olympic Park metro station site and surrounding streets. The main activities include utility relocation work, and demolition of Sydney Metro-owned properties. Piling and excavation work has also started.
For details on metro station construction please see:
- Australia’s first autonomous tunnel boring machines (TBM) are coming to Western Sydney
A new fleet of TBMs, including Australia’s first autonomous machines, will build 24-kilometre tunnels from the Sydney CBD to Parramatta with tunnelling from The Bays to Sydney Olympic Park scheduled to start at the end of this year.
Autonomous machines will be used to build twin nine-kilometre rail tunnels between Sydney Olympic Park and Westmead. These two mega machines will utilise innovative artificial intelligence software, to automatically steer, operate and monitor a number of TBM functions.
The two autonomous TBM’s are expected to be in the ground by the end of 2023 to deliver the metro rail tunnels from Sydney Olympic Park to Westmead.
Each autonomous machine is 1,266 tonne, 165 metres long, and designed to excavate through sandstone and shale.
They will tunnel an average of 200 metres per week with a team of 15 workers per shift.
Read more$2.16 billion Sydney Metro West tunnelling contract awardedThe Gamuda Australia and Laing O’Rourke Consortium has been awarded the contract to deliver nine kilometres of twin metro rail tunnels between Sydney Olympic Park and Westmead.
This is the second major tunnelling package awarded on the city-shaping project.
Work is underway to deliver twin tunnels between The Bays and Sydney Olympic Park following the contract awarded to Acciona Ferrovial Joint Venture last year.
Read more - Geotechnical investigations
Geotechnical investigations are being done along the length of the Sydney Metro West alignment.
More than 50 bore holes are being drilled, ranging in depth from 10 metres to 100 metres, to inform the final design of the tunnels and stations.
Data captured from each borehole includes the depth of each layer of soil and rock, the properties and strength of the soil and rock and the type of soil and rock in each location – for example, determining if its Ashfield Shale, Mittagong Formation or Hawkesbury Sandstone.
Read moreMetro West orders boring machinesTwo huge tunnel boring machines (TBM) have been ordered to build tunnels for the Sydney Metro West project. The first of six TBMs being used to build the 24 kilometre tunnels from the Sydney CBD to Parramatta.
The two machines are part of the $1.96 billion Central Tunnelling Package awarded in July to the Acciona Ferrovial Joint Venture.
Each TBM will tunnel an average of 200 metres per week and will be operated by a team of 15 workers per shift as they dig the 11 kilometre twin tunnels from The Bays to Sydney Olympic Park.
The two borers are 1,266 tonne, 165 metre long double-shield, hard rock, gripper-type TBMs, designed to excavate through sandstone and shale.
Read more
The planning process and approvals
(Back to top)The NSW Government began work on Sydney Metro West in 2020.
The Sydney Metro West project has received two major planning approvals, paving the way for mega tunnel boring machines to be in the ground by the end of 2022.
Planning approval has been granted for the Sydney Metro West project concept between Westmead and the Sydney CBD and for major construction work between Westmead and The Bays. This approval means work can now begin to prepare for tunnels and station excavation between Westmead and The Bays.
The Environmental Impact Statement was on public exhibition between 30 April and 26 June 2020. Submissions (link is external) received from stakeholders and the community have been considered in the assessment of the project.
Find out more:
Strategically located to the north of the existing Parramatta Station, Parramatta Metro Station will be located on the block bounded by George, Macquarie, Church and Smith streets.
One station entrance will be on Horwood Place and a second station entrance location is to be determined.
Parramatta Metro Station will support Parramatta CBD as a major employment growth centre, boosting jobs and improving connections across Greater Sydney. It will provide easy, efficient and accessible interchange with buses and Parramatta Light Rail.
The new metro station will integrate with the proposed Civic Link, a green, pedestrianised public space from Parramatta Square in the south to Parramatta River in the north.
At Westmead, new metro platforms will be located next to the existing Westmead Station providing an easy above-ground interchange with the T1 Western Line and T5 Cumberland Line.
The new station will also provide customers with easy access to Parramatta Light Rail, T-Way buses and other bus services.
Westmead Metro Station will be located on the eastern side of Hawkesbury Road, south of the existing Westmead Station. As well as connecting customers to the Westmead health, education and employment hub, the new metro station will service residential areas experiencing growth and renewal in north and south Westmead.
Sydney Olympic Park Metro Station will be located to the south of the existing Olympic Park Station. The station will provide easy interchange with the planned Parramatta Light Rail, the T7 Olympic Park Line and buses.
A metro station at Sydney Olympic Park will reinforce its status as Australia’s premier events, sporting and entertainment precinct and provide further transport options for the 10 million people who visit or stay each year.
The station will sit to the east of Olympic Boulevard with the main station entrances between Herb Elliot Avenue and Figtree Drive and off Dawn Fraser Avenue.
Planning for the project continues
(Back to top)Future project approvals will consider major civil construction work including station excavation and tunnelling between The Bays and Sydney CBD including Pyrmont; and all stations, depots and rail systems between Westmead and the Sydney CBD Station.
The NSW Government will also plan for the areas surrounding the stations including place-making and any integrated station or precinct developments in some locations.
The community will be able to learn more and have their say at each stage of the planning process.
More information
(Back to top)More details on the Sydney Metro West project.
The Sydney Metro West interactive portal provides area specific information to help you navigate the project in an easy to use and intuitive way. The portal includes information to support your understanding of the planning process and videos from our team of project experts.
24 hour Community Information Line (7 days a week)
For project enquiries, or complaints about construction work, please get in touch by sending an enquiry.
Call 1800 612 173