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Child care centres

Education and care services

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The City of Parramatta provides early learning centres for children from birth to school age, offering quality care and learning experiences through a variety of educational programs.

The centres are open for 11 hours per day, five days per week for 49 weeks per year.

Qualified staff

Our qualified teachers and childcare workers are from a variety of cultural backgrounds and provide excellent care and education for your child's individual needs.


Council supports the provision of quality early learning services and all of our centres are licensed and accredited with relevant authorities, and meet all national and state standards.

Daily programs

Daily programs are provided to develop children's strengths, interests and needs and to respect their cultural backgrounds. These programs encourage children to share and express ideas individually and to develop social skills.

Play equipment

Play equipment activities and experiences are provided to develop children's physical skills, creativity and to stimulate their development through activities such as games, stories, music, art and craft.

Healthy meals and refreshments

Healthy meals and refreshments are provided for children during lunch, morning and afternoon tea times.

Fees are adjusted annually on July 1 according to City of Parramatta budget decisions.

City of Parramatta Early Learning Centres - Dundas, Ermington, Jubilee Park and Northmead

  • Monday and Friday – $122 per day
  • Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday – $124 per day

North Rocks Child Care Centre

  • Possum and Wombat room - $128 per day
  • Koala room - $122 per day

Child care subsidy

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You may be eligible to receive a fee subsidy from the Commonwealth Government.

The child care subsidy is the main way the Commonwealth Government assists families with their childcare fees.

Child Safe

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Council's Commitment to Child Safety

Council is committed to fulfilling its duty of care to ensure that Children and Young People who access Council services are safeguarded from harm, recognising that feeling safe can be as important to Children and Young People as being safe.

Child safety and protection is everyone’s responsibility, including Council workers, families and carers of Children and Young People.

Council is a registered agency under the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 (NSW) (Act) and is committed to fulfilling its legislative and regulatory obligations regarding child protection.

To find out more about Councils commitment to child safety please visit here

Child Safe Standards

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The Child Safe Standards provide a framework for creating child safe organisations. They are designed to drive cultural change to create, maintain and improve child safe practices. When we apply the Standards, we build a culture where abuse of children is prevented, responded to and reported.

They are based on the extensive research and consultation by the Royal Commission, and they provide clear guidance on how to create cultures, adopt strategies and act to put the interests of children first to keep them safe from harm.

Child Safe Standards table



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