Disability Inclusion Action Plan
City of Parramatta Council delivers four-year Disability Inclusion Action Plans (DIAPs) as required by the NSW Government. Each DIAP outlines the practical steps we will take over the four-year term to create a more inclusive Parramatta for people with disability.
For more information, see the Disability Inclusion Action Plan page.
Economic Development Plan
The Economic Development Plan 2017-2021 sets the framework to grow the number of jobs in the Parramatta Local Government Area by providing a clear economic direction for the City. The Plan details specific goals, objectives and programs and provides a positive framework for partners to work together.
For more information, see the full Economic Development Plan document.
Environmental Sustainability Strategy
Our environment is at the heart of Parramatta’s identity and wellbeing. It is central to how we will respond to the challenges we face with climate change and the growth of our community.
Our Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2024-2033 focuses on regeneration, resilience and climate action to encourage environmental outcomes that bring people and nature together. The Strategy focuses on five key priorities, which set out our long-term environmental sustainability ambitions and the steps we are taking to progress them.
For more information, see the full Environmental Sustainability Strategy document.
Social Sustainability Strategy
The Social Sustainability Strategy is a ten-year strategy that sets Council’s vision for an equitable and resilient Parramatta.
Through effectively managing the challenges associated with change and growth, Parramatta will be an equitable and resilient city, where residents are safe, socially connected, and have what they need to live with dignity and to thrive.
For more information, see the Social Sustainability Strategy page.
Affordable Housing Action Plan
City of Parramatta Council has developed its inaugural Affordable Housing Action Plan (AHAP). The AHAP sets Council’s broad direction for increasing the supply of Affordable Rental Housing in the City of Parramatta in 2023 - 2025.
For more information, see the Affordable Housing Action Plan page.
City of Parramatta Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan
This document demonstrates how City of Parramatta Council will lead by example to advance the important cause of Reconciliation.
The Plan lists key actions to recognise and celebrate our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community, to ensure Council is culturally aware and responsive, and addressing key areas of disadvantage experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Our aim is to go beyond “acknowledging” our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and to embed Indigenous issues and interests right across Council through corporate documents, policies and projects.
For more information, see the full Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan document.
First Nations Strategy
The First Nations Strategy 2024-2029 will drive understanding, recognition, and respect of Dharug and other First Nations people across the City of Parramatta and is a first for a council within Greater Sydney beyond a Reconciliation Action Plan.
The strategy works toward First Nations people having better access to local services and programs, grants funding and greater input into Council's work and decision-making processes. The strategy will also build on Council's ongoing efforts to acknowledge Dhurag history and celebrate their rich culture.
This five-year strategy has been developed in consultation with the First Nations community, service providers, staff and the wider community and focuses around five pillars: social justice, cultural leadership, social cohesion, celebration and accountability.
It builds on the legacy of Council’s Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan, which increased spend on procurement from First Nations businesses and delivered greater incorporation of First Nations culture into programming including at Riverside Theatres and Parramatta Artists’ Studios.
For more information, see the full First Nations Strategy document.
Parramatta Bike Plan
The Parramatta Bike Plan has been informed by over 3,000 submissions from the community. Combined with a comprehensive cycling audit, current population and jobs forecasts and the latest thinking in cycling infrastructure, the key themes from this engagement have been woven into a cycling network for the next 20 years and beyond.
For more information on the Parramatta Bike Plan, see the Cycling page.
Parramatta Ways Walking Strategy
Walkability is recognised as one of the key aspects that make a city liveable.
The City of Parramatta has recently endorsed the Parramatta Ways Walking Strategy aimed at improving walkability throughout the Parramatta Local Government Area and making people the priority in our streets.
Parramatta has many great destinations, local centres and distinct heritage and cultural experiences that all make it a great place to walk and cycle. The City of Parramatta recognises the importance of walkability for liveability and we are seeking to create a safe, comfortable and interesting City for people to get active and connected.
For more information on the Parramatta Ways Walking Strategy, see the Walking page