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Park and reserve masterplans

Rydalmere Park masterplan

January 2025 – Project update

Rydalmere Park is bordered by Victoria Road, Park Road and South Street. To guide the longer-term redevelopment of the park Council developed The Rydalmere Park Masterplan, adopted by Council in July 2019.  The Masterplan is being implemented in a staged approach. Stage 1 and 2 have been completed and consisted of the upgrade of the 3 sport fields.
The remaining areas of the Rydalmere Park Masterplan include the upgrade of the bowling greens into a playground, connecting footpaths and green oasis area and the refurbishment of the Rydalmere Bowling Club.

The upgrade to the Bowling greens and green oasis area is currently unfunded. Council continues to investigate further funding opportunities to complete this stage of the masterplan.
The Rydalmere Park Masterplan identified the potential adaptive reuse of the former Rydalmere Bowling Club to support restaurant / cafe use and community rooms for lease. Council was successful in obtaining $5,530,193.15 of Western Sydney Infrastructure Grant (WSIG) Funding, with a $939,671.00 of Council funded contribution, to refurbish the former Rydalmere Bowling Club. The upgrade of the Bowling Club will consist of bringing the building up to current standards whilst providing a leasable food and beverage premises as well as hireable community space.

Council is currently working on a concept design and will consult with the community in 2025.


Lease and licence arrangements at Rydalmere Park

Rydalmere Park is under different leasing and licencing arrangements. The areas under these arrangements are as follows:

  1. Former Bowling Club Building and surrounding former greens
    The former bowling club building and bowling greens are currently under holdover licenses to Rydalmere Lions Football Club, allowing for continued occupation of the building and greens until the anticipated commencement of the building upgrade works in early 2026.
  2. Field 3 (Synthetic Turf Playing Field)
    Field 3 is currently on a holdover licence to the Rydalmere Lions Football Club. The club has recently approached Council to renew the 3 year licence. This request is under consideration.
  3. Fields 1 & 2 (Natural Turf Fields)
    Fields 1 and 2 are not subject to a lease and are open to the community and local sporting groups to hire. 


Rydalmere Park is an important community asset, located at a strategic position within the eastern central precinct of Parramatta Local Government Area.

The site encompasses 6.4 hectares of open space and associated facilities, including sports fields, playground, courts, and a former bowling club.

Following extensive community and stakeholder consultation, an analysis of recreation trends, and a thorough investigation of the physical condition of the site, a new masterplan was developed for Rydalmere Park.

Key features

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The masterplan is designed to bring the “Park” back into Rydalmere Park. Its vision is to create a memorable park experience and destination that fulfils the needs of the growing community for open space and recreation.

The masterplan includes:

  • Enhance sporting infrastructure to meet current and future needs, including a synthetic field to meet Football NSW National Premier League requirements
  • Creative use of the former Bowling Club site for multiple community, recreational, sporting and social purposes
  • Increased vegetation, shade, shelter and seating to reinforce the park setting and create shade and amenity
  • Improved connectivity across the site, including formalised north/south access
  • Upgraded informal recreation spaces, e.g. playground, multipurpose court and circuit path
  • Maintenance of the existing amenities building.

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