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Community Care

Parramatta Community Fund

Parramatta Community Fund

The Parramatta Community Fund invites you to be part of a local movement for change.  Passionate, like-minded people are coming together to create a better Parramatta.

The model is simple—donations from businesses and residents are pooled together and then distributed as high impact grants to local organisations and community groups. 

The Parramatta Community Fund was successfully launched on Friday May 24, 2019. To find out about the Fund's recent events, sign up for news and updates here.

Background and Purpose of the Fund

The Parramatta Community Fund’s purpose is to support community giving that builds vibrant, inclusive communities. The vision is for a grassroots Philanthropic body that is driven by and responsive to the needs of the community that is based within the Parramatta Local Government Area.

The Parramatta Community Fund (the Fund) was created in June 2016, under the auspices of the Sydney Community Foundation (SCF) as a sub-fund.

The Fund is supported by the City of Parramatta Council. In 2016, seed funding was secured, and in 2017 an Advisory Committee was recruited. The vision is for a grassroots Fund that is driven by and responsible to the needs of the community in the Parramatta Local Government Area.

The Advisory Committee is comprised of local residents, business owners and our councillors. The committee oversees the everyday operation of the Fund, including its fundraising and grant-making activities.

Giving Circle and Donations

The Fund is building a Giving Circle—that is a network of local donors who want to make a direct impact in the Parramatta Local Government Area.

You are invited to become part of this Giving Circle. The Fund is also working closely with local businesses to build partnerships that can benefit the Parramatta community. Businesses are invited to join the Giving Circle or offer a one-off donation. Please contact the Fund via its webpage on how you or your business can be involved.

To donate to the Fund, click here 

All donations above $2 are tax deductible.

Grant Making

The Fund is currently not distributing grants. Potential grant rounds will be advertised through the Fund's Email List and website, as well as City of Parramatta  Council's website; as well as other social media and traditional media channels.  You can sing up to the Fund's Email List here

More information

The Sydney Community Foundation aims to break the poverty cycle in Sydney. A comprehensive list of all their projects and work can be found here: 

If you have any further questions please contact Sharmila Falzon:
p: 9806 5234

Upcoming events