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Social Sustainability Strategy 2024 – 2033

What is the Social Sustainability Strategy?

The Social Sustainability Strategy is a ten-year strategy that sets Council’s vision for an equitable and resilient Parramatta.

Through effectively managing the challenges associated with change and growth, Parramatta will be an equitable and resilient city, where residents are safe, socially connected, and have what they need to live with dignity and to thrive.

This Strategy supersedes Council's Socially Sustainable Parramatta Framework 2017.

How do we define social sustainability?

Social sustainability is about strengthening cohesion within our diverse communities. A socially sustainable community allows all members to thrive, while being resilient to climate change, pandemics, and other stresses. In a socially sustainable community, we actively support the capacity of current and future generations to create healthy and liveable communities.

A socially sustainable community puts people first.

Social Sustainability Strategy at a glance


Two men and woman looking at laptop



Building on the long-term vision established in our Community Strategic Plan 2018-2038 (CSP), and further developed through consultation with our community and stakeholders, the Social Sustainability Strategy's vision is for an equitable and resilient Parramatta.

Through effectively managing the challenges associated with change and growth, Parramatta will be an equitable and resilient city, where residents are safe, socially connected, and have what they need to live with dignity and to thrive.


The Social Sustainability Strategy is founded on six principles. These principles guide the implementation of our actions:

  • Equitable - Addressing systemic inequalities and the barriers that different people face.
  • Inclusive - Enhancing inclusion for individuals who experience greater barriers to participating in our City.
  • Courageous - Embracing the challenge and responsibility that comes with governing our City and taking action on complex problems.
  • A holistic understanding of health - Recognising that health is not merely the absence of disease; it is a state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing.
  • Collaborative and democratic - Ensuring all individuals and communities can be involved in shaping decision-making on issues that affect them.
  • Transparent and accountable - Communicating how and why decisions are made.


To achieve our vision of an equitable and resilient Parramatta, this Strategy establishes five priorities for the next 10 years:

  • A socially connected community - We will deliver quality public spaces, facilities, and programs that allow Parramatta’s residents to build strong social networks. 
  • A safe, inclusive, and welcoming City - We will work to ensure that residents and visitors feel empowered to participate in our City.
  • A community where people can live healthy lives - We will deliver places and services that support the health and wellbeing of our residents.
  • A City with affordable and diverse homes for all - We will plan and advocate to ensure access to quality and affordable housing that meets the needs of our residents at all stages of life.
  • A City of learning and opportunity - We will create opportunities for our residents to learn, grow, and thrive through all phases of their lives.

 These priorities build on the strengths of our City, leverage ongoing growth and investment, and will guide decision-making.

Actions and indicators

The 'What we are doing' sections within the Strategy identify actions that Council will undertake over four years to help us reach the objectives established within our five priorities and position our City for continued success.

Council has also developed indicators to measure progress towards the objectives established within each of the five priorities. These indicators will measure the outcomes of the Strategy's implementation, rather than simply tracking whether actions have been delivered.



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