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Waste Education Programs

Let’s Get Grubby

Learn about special offers for preschools and childcare centres in the Parramatta LGA

The City of Parramatta Council and its waste contractor Suez are pleased to offer all the childcare centres and preschools within the Parramatta LGA a 3-year subscription to the award-winning Get Grubby Program.

As well as access to the Get Grubby Program, eligible childcare centres and preschools will be able to receive up to $300 worth of credit to purchase any composting products from the Compost Revolution program for their centre.  

What’s the Get Grubby Program?

The Get Grubby Program is an online self-serve waste and sustainability resource, perfect for preschools and childcare centres wanting to continue to grow and thrive through the ongoing Covid environment. It’s an integrated curriculum project that explores the key learning outcomes of the National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education and Care. Such as:

  • Quality Area 1 - Educational program and practice 

    Element 1.1.1 - Approved learning framework - Curriculum decision making contributes to each child’s learning and development outcomes in relation to their identity, connection with community, wellbeing, confidence as learners and effectiveness as communicators.

    Element 1.2.3 - Child directed learning - Each child's agency is promoted, enabling them to make choices and decisions that influence events and their world.
  • Quality Area 3 - The physical environment 

    Element 3.2.3 - Environmentally responsible - The service cares for the environment and supports children to become environmentally responsible.

The program is created and produced by the dirtgirlworld and Get Grubby TV team and features 10 sustainability areas such as recycling, worm farming, composting, saving water and creating edible gardens, with inspiring videos, educators’ guides, activity kits, and much more. The subscription fee usually costs each centre $1,500 but The City of Parramatta is covering this cost for all centres in the Parramatta Local Government Area for 2021, 2022, and 2023. So sign up for this great sustainability education today and get grubby in your classrooms and playgrounds! 




How to get Compost Revolution products for your centre

Does your centre need a worm farm or compost system to help get the Get Grubby Program growing? Good news. Council and its waste contractor Suez are also partnering with community compost initiative Compost Revolution to offer composting products for the childcare centres and preschools in the Parramatta Local Government Area. Compost Revolution stocks a great range of innovative and easy-to-use composting and worm farming products that can handle a large amount of food waste generated from preschool and childcare centre environments.


Recommend composting products with large processing capacity for childcare/preschools Characteristics
Worm Farm Subpod 
Get Grubby compost bin and worm farm
  • Suits centres with gardens
  • Fertilising surrounding soil 
  • Large organic waste processing capacity (up to process 2L of food scraps/day)
  • Rodent & pest resistant
  • Discreet looking and double as seat 
  • Protect the worms from the summer heat which is the leading cause worm farm failure in childcare and preschool centres

For more information, visit the Subpod website.

Worm Farm Hungry Bin

Get Grubby Hungry Bin



  • Large organic waste processing capacity (up to process 2L of food scraps/day)
  • Rodent & pest resistant
  • Can be moved around to shady and cool area of the centre to ensure worms will not be overheated in the summer period
  • Easy harvesting of worm liquid and casting 
Watch this video for more information.

Compost Bin Aerobin 200L

Get Grubby Aerobin
  • Able to process both food and garden waste
  • Rodent & pest resistant
  • No manual turning (aeration) is required due to its unique design
  • Easy and quick harvesting compost within 3 -6 months
More information.

Compost Bin Dirt Vader

Get Grubby Dirt Vader
  • Able to process both food and garden waste
  • A traditional above ground compost bin that is great for demonstrating the principle of composting (Aeration, Diversity, Aliveness and Moisture)
  • Need to use a compost aerator or stirrer to go with this model
  • Easy to assemble

Download PDF for more information.


If you’re new to composting and worm farming, you can also access Compost Revolution's quick and easy online tutorials to find out how you can turn your food scraps into rich fertiliser for your centre’s garden. 

How to receive the $300 Compost Revolution credit  

Receiving the $300 credit is easy!  Be one of the first 50 childcare centres and preschools inside of the City of Parramatta LGA to sign up for the Get Grubby Program and pledge to implement just one of these three feature units in your centre (and complete the fun evaluation survey within 3 months of signing up).

Once you’ve signed up, you’ll receive a special link to the Compost Revolution program with a $300 credit for your centre. Each centre can only purchase one type of composting product and its accessories using the link (i.e., if a centre chooses the composting bin, it will also able to choose composting accessories like the compost aerator and compost blanket, but it will not able to choose worm farm or bokashi bin and their relevant accessories). Credit must be spent within one transaction before 31 March 2022 and unspent credit will not be redeemable for cash. The composting equipment must be used in the centre for diverting organic waste from landfills and ongoing waste education. Council and Suez reserve the right to check in with the participating centres and make relevant recommendations.  

To sign up for the Get Grubby program, click below to complete the onboarding survey and create an account under the “City of Parramatta Council”.




Have questions about this program? Please email the Waste Education Officer at or contact 9806 8295.

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