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Parking and transport

Signposting and Linemarking of Driveways

QUESTION: Can I get a ‘No Stopping’ or ‘No Parking’ sign installed near my driveway?


Parking near driveways occurs frequently in urban areas. Council understands it can be frustrating when motorists do not consider the local community when parking close to property driveways.

City of Parramatta generally does not signpost individual driveways or intersections as parking at these locations is covered under Road Rules 2014 and the installation of signage would result in visual pollution and excessive maintenance costs if applied broadly.

You may install a ‘No Parking across Driveway at Any Time’ sign on your gate or fence.

The public can report illegal parking to Council’s Community Safety Officers on 9806-5050 or via Council’s online portal Online Services | City of Parramatta Council ( (choose Laws and Enforcement > Parking Offence)


QUESTION: How do I get lines painted near my driveway to discourage motorists from parking there?


Council allows residents and businesses to line mark the road surface near their driveway subject to following Council’s guidelines and criteria (refer to the sketch plans attached to this document).
Council can undertake the works on behalf of residents and businesses subject to fees being paid in accordance with Council’s Fees and Charges 2024/2025.

Table of Installation per driveway Fees

This fee does not cover maintenance of the line marking.

Residents and businesses may also undertake the works independently of Council (subject to following Council’s guidelines and criteria)

Please note that this line marking is for guidance only and is not enforceable. According to NSW Road Rules, it is illegal to park across a driveway regardless of the line marking.


QUESTION: I want to pay Council to install the line marking, what do I do now?


If you wish for Council to undertake the work, then please lodge a Service Request (refer to Council’s web site at → Online Services → Submit a Request → Traffic and Transport → Issues at Driveways → Request for Driveway Linemarking).

Council will arrange for an invoice to be sent to you. Once paid, Council will arrange for the work to be completed.


QUESTION: I want to organise the linemarking myself, can I?


If you intend to arrange the line marking, work must be in accordance with Council’s guidelines and criteria (refer to the sketch plans below).

Any work that is not done in accordance with the sketch plan may be removed by Council. You can confirm which sketch plan is appropriate for your property by first contacting Council’s Traffic and Transport Services Unit on 9806 5050 or

The organisation or person undertaking the work is required to submit a Temporary Road/Footpath Occupancy Application on Council’s web site at → Online Services → Lodge an Application → Roads and Related Infrastructure

If you arrange the line marking, you are required to send a photo of the completed works to


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