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Online Services will be undergoing maintenance and unavailable from 5pm Friday 7 February 2025. 


Online Services will be undergoing maintenance and unavailable from 5pm Friday 7 February 2025. 

Privacy Policy

The Council's privacy procedures have been developed with your rights and needs in mind.

How we collect your information

The Council holds your personal information in accordance with privacy legislation and we will:

  • tell you when and for what purpose we will be collecting the information
  • tell you what information is necessary to access the Council's products and services, including payments and transactions
  • not ask for or collect any sensitive information about you, unless it is necessary to meet legal, public interest or statistical requirements to complete the requested transaction
  • take all reasonable steps to permanently remove personal identification from the information collected about you, if it is no longer needed.

How we use your information

When you provide the Council with your personal information we will:

  • use the information to help you use Council services
  • combine the data for analysis
  • remove personally identifiable characteristics, unless you have given us specific consent to recognise your usage on an individual basis.

We will not disclose your personal information to any other person or organisation unless one of the following apply:

  • you have given us your permission to do so
  • the information is needed to conduct a transaction between you and that person or organisation
  • we are required by law, to do so
  • there are grounds to believe disclosure will prevent a threat to life or health
  • a person or organisation is providing a service to the Council and is required to maintain the same or similar privacy legislation principles.

Security of your information

When handling your information, the Council will:

  • take reasonable steps to ensure that all information we collect, use or disclose is accurate, complete, up-to-date and securely stored
  • monitor transmissions sent to or from the Council for quality control and systems administration
  • strive to protect your personal information from misuse, loss and unauthorised access, however, we cannot guarantee security
  • operate secure servers to minimise the risk of unauthorised use of your credit card information.

How to access, correct or update your information

Under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act, you have the right to access any of your personal information held by the City, without excessive delay or expense.

You also have a right to have your personal information corrected, in some circumstances. If you have any queries about privacy or wish to access or correct your personal information please contact the Privacy Contact Officer on 9806 5235.


The City of Parramatta Council owns or licenses all content on this website and we assert our right to be recognised as the author of original material on this site.

The Council supports the sharing of information and the use of the website content for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under Copyright legislation, however, you are not permitted to reproduce or reuse content on this website for commercial purposes.


The City of Parramatta Council distributes the information on this website as a general reference source.

This site contains links to other websites operated by organisations, other than the Council. The other websites are outside of the Council's control and links are provided for your convenience.

Despite our best efforts, the Council makes no warranties that the information in this publication is free of infection by computer viruses or other contamination.

The Council disclaims all responsibility and all liability (including through negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages and costs you might incur as a result of the information on this website or any linked website, being inaccurate or incomplete.

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