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Online Services will be undergoing maintenance and unavailable from 5pm Friday 7 February 2025. 


Development application information + DA Tracker

Statement of Expectations Order

The Minister of Planning and Public Spaces issued a Statement of Expectations Order on 1 July 2024. 

The Statement of Expectations Order 2024 sets new benchmarks for council performance on development assessment, planning proposals and strategic planning. The benchmarks are based on past performance and reasonable timeframes for each area.

Listed below are business rules that Council will be applying to assist in meeting the Minister’s Order. 

Development Applications   

In line with a Statement of Expectations, Council is required to determine development applications within the following timeframes:

Local Development Applications (Including matters for the Parramatta Local Planning Panel)

  • 115 days from the date of lodgement (date fees paid).
  • Applicants will only have one opportunity to provide amended plans or additional information. 

Regionally significant Development Applications (Matters for the Sydney Central City Planning Panel)

  • 250 days from the date of lodgement (date fees paid).
  • Council will actively manage these development applications to meet this target.

Prelodgement Meetings 

For certain development types, if a prelodgement meeting is not held with Council prior to the lodgement of the development application, Council will not be requesting amended plans or request additional information. These include:

  • Child Care Centres
  • Boarding Houses/Co-Living Developments
  • Aged Care/ Seniors Living Facilities 

If a prelodgement meeting is held, and Council’s advice is not undertaken, Council will not be requesting amended plans or request additional information upon lodgement of a development application.


DA Tracker

Our DA Tracker lets you:

  • view City of Parramatta's planning instruments
  • find out what developments are allowed on individual properties
  • view our planning controls and instruments
  • track your application online

You can also access general information about individual properties in the LGA.


Development Applications

Before you can make changes to a building in the Parramatta Local Government Area (LGA) you may need to lodge a development application (DA).​

The Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 defines development as the:​

  • use of land​
  • subdivision of land​
  • erection of a building​
  • carrying out of work​
  • demolition​
  • any other matter controlled by an environmental planning instrument.

Steps you need to take for Residents

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  • Certain work may not require a development application:​

    • ​Some minor development, called exempt development, do not require consent. Exempt development may include external painting, minor internal works, some fencing and air-conditioning units.​
    • Another type of development, called complying development, requires a complying development certificate. This may include minor internal alterations to non-heritage items, outbuildings and internal office fitouts.​

    ​This tool provides important planning information for complying and exempt developments. Simply click on the section of the house to learn how the legislation is applied to that area. 


    Planning Portal tool for Complying & Exempt development
  • State and local planning legislation and policies set the rules that control what development can occur on your land. There are a number of documents and plans that guide future development and provide a framework for City of Parramatta’s planning controls. 


  • Collect all documentation and information required for your application (DA, section 4.55 or section 8.3). You do not need hard copies of plans or any other documents at this stage.


    Application requirements​
    Refer the NSW Planning Portal for application requirements
  • Important notice: All development applications, including modifications, Section 8.3 Review applications are required to be lodged through the NSW Planning portal. Any additional information requests, determination notices (including consents and stamped plans) are also made available through the NSW Planning Portal.


    • Lodge your application online on the NSW Planning Portal with all documents and plans.​
    • You do not need to pay a fee. Do not send cheques with your applications.​
    • You will receive an acknowledgement letter.  
    • You do not need hard copies of plans or any other documents at this stage.
    Go to the NSW Planning Portal
  • We will review your application within 72 business hours (working days) of receipt.​

    We will contact you for the following:​

    • application acceptance and to request fee/s payment​
    • application return with a request for you to give us more information
    • If your application is accepted, we will request a fee payment request via the portal. We will also let you know if we need more information.
    • ​After you pay the fees,  your application will be lodged and we will start the assessment of your application.
    • We do not accept credit card authorisation forms as payment for development application, section 4.55 or section 8.3 application fees.​
    • You will need to pay by cheque, in person at our Customer Contact Centre or via the online payment portal.
  • Our DA Tracker lets you:​

    • view City of Parramatta's planning instruments​
    • find out what developments are allowed on individual properties​
    • view our planning controls and instruments​
    • track your application online​

    ​You can also access general information about individual properties in the LGA.​

    To assist you in preparing your development application visit Development and Building Forms for further details and requirements.​

    Buying property​

    If you're looking to purchase property in the LGA, you can use the DA Tracker for planning information including:​

    property zoning, maximum building height, floor space ratio, minimum lot sizes for subdivision and dual occupancy and more​

    planning application history for a property​

    planning rules for developments for a specific property or land use zone

    DA Tracker


Steps you need to take for Businesses


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  • There are a number of different scenarios where a business premises will need a DA, for example, a new business opening up for the first time.You also may need a DA if you are proposing a change in activities for an existing business or conducting substantial changes to fit-outs.​

    However, it is important to check if any type of development approval has previously been obtained for the premises as well as what the premises has been approved to be used as. Any development or changes to a premises may be dependent on what these approvals are. Council or the building owner should hold details of the approvals and they could also be listed in your lease.​

    A DA may also be a prerequisite for other government approvals such as industry-specific licences.​

    Certain work may not require a DA:​

    • Some minor development, called exempt development, do not require consent. Exempt development may include external painting, minor internal works, some fencing and air-conditioning units.​
    • Another type of development, called complying development, requires a complying development certificate. This may include minor internal alterations to non-heritage items, outbuildings and internal office fitouts. Applications to do complying development can be determined by council or a private accredited certifier without the need for a full Development Application (DA).
  • State and local planning legislation and policies set the rules that control what development can occur on your land. There are a number of documents and plans that guide future development and provide a framework for City of Parramatta’s planning controls. 


  • To help you through the development approval application process, Service NSW for Business has a step-by-step guide.

    How to approach Development Applications 
  • Collect all documentation and information required for your application (DA, section 4.55 or section 8.3). You do not need hard copies of plans or any other documents at this stage.


    Application requirements​
    Refer the NSW Planning Portal for application requirements
  • Important notice: All development applications, including modifications, Section 8.3 Review applications are required to be lodged through the NSW Planning portal. Any additional information requests, determination notices (including consents and stamped plans) are also made available through the NSW Planning Portal.
    • Lodge your application online on the NSW Planning Portal with all documents and plans.​
    • You do not need to pay a fee. Do not send cheques with your applications.​
    • You will receive an acknowledgement letter.  
    • You do not need hard copies of plans or any other documents at this stage.
  • We will review your application within 72 business hours (working days) of receipt.​

    We will contact you for the following:​

    • application acceptance and to request fee/s payment​
    • application return with a request for you to give us more information
    • If your application is accepted, we will request a fee payment request via the portal, We will also let you know if we need more information. ​
    • After you pay the fees,  your application will be lodged and we will start the assessment of your application.​
    • We do not accept credit card authorisation forms as payment for development application, section 4.55 or section 8.3 application fees.​
    • You will need to pay by cheque, in person at our Customer Contact Centre or via the online payment portal.
    More information on Fees
  • Our DA Tracker lets you:​

    • view City of Parramatta's planning instruments​
    • find out what developments are allowed on individual properties​
    • view our planning controls and instruments​
    • track your application online​

    ​You can also access general information about individual properties in the LGA.​

    ​To assist you in preparing your development application visit Development and Building Forms for further details and requirements.​

    Buying property​

    If you're looking to purchase property in the LGA, you can use the DA Tracker for planning information including:​

    • property zoning, maximum building height, floor space ratio, minimum lot sizes for subdivision and dual occupancy and more​
    • planning application history for a property​
    • planning rules for developments for a specific property or land use zone
    Visit the DA Tracker


Other Application Types

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  • If we have refused your development application, and you want the determination of development application reviewed. You need to lodge and have it determined within six (6) months of the date of determination of your application.​

    It is advisable to submit review applications within three (3) months of the determination of the application. This gives us enough time to assess the application and refer your application to the PLPP and determine the application before the six (6) month deadline.​

    Review of modifications - If you want to review a modification (section 4.55), you must lodge it to us no later than 28 days after the modification was determined.

  • Modification of a development consent is outlined in section 4.55 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. A section 4.55 application is submitted to the NSW planning portal.

    If you need to make changes to a DA after we give consent, you must submit a:​

    • section 4.55(1) application to correct a minor error, an incorrect description or miscalculation​
    • section 4.55(1A) application for minimal environmental impact changes​
    • section 4.55(2) application to modify the consent in other ways, due to design changes for example, evidence needs to be provided that the development will be substantially the same,​
    • section 4.56 application to modify a consent handed down by the Land and Environment Court​

    Section 4.55 and 4.56 applications also need verified consent from all of the registered property owners for the changes to be considered.​

    If a company owns the property, the company stamp or seal is required. If the building is subject to a strata scheme, the owners' corporation seal and authorised signatures are required.​

    Additional information may still be required. We recommend you discuss your proposed changes with the officer who dealt with your DA before you lodge the modification.

  • Before you prepare a DA for a major development such as a new building or major refurbishment, get in touch with our Development Advisory Team or Customer Contact Centre on (02) 9806 5050 or​


  • A digital 3D building model is required to be submitted with major developments.

    Click for more information
  • Requirements​

    All applications to Council must be accompanied by:​

    • a completed application form​
    • all required documents required on the associated checklist​

    Subdivision certificates​

    Subdivision applications must include deposited plan administration sheets completed by a registered surveyor, subdivision plans and any associated section 88B instruments.​

    All subdivision applications must be lodged through the NSW planning portal. ​

    Please do not post your application to Council.​

    Please ensure that all documents are of a high-quality scan and in PDF format.​

    A separate payment request will be sent when the application is lodged and accepted by Council.​

    Section 88E instrument application​

    Section 88E instrument applications must be accompanied by a completed application form and include completed 13PC and 13RPA forms and their associated annexures. ​

    Please email your Section 88E instrument application to

    Please visit the Engineering Requirements for Development and Subdivision page for the Subdivision Certificate application form with checklist & Section 88E instrument application.​

  • A heritage listing does not prevent a property or building from being modernised, altered or developed, but changes must recognise the site’s heritage significance.

    Apply online
  • Before you prune or remove a tree from your residential or business property you may be required to apply for permission from the City of Parramatta Council. The controls regarding the pruning and removal of trees on private and Public land are found within Part 5.3.4 (Tree and Vegetation Preservation) of Parramatta Development Control Plan (DCP) 2023.​

Frequently Asked Questions

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General planning advice

Our Town Planners can provide you with some general planning advice, please use the Duty Planner Booking Form for a 15 minute conversation or call our Customer Contact Centre on (02) 9806 5524 or 1300 617 058 or email to arrange a response. 

Meetings with Planning Advisory staff are by appointment only.


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