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Hunts Creek Bridge

July/August Update

Construction of Compound on 28A Bourke Street & Update to Major Works Schedule

Compound construction Monday 5 August to Friday 16 August 2024,  7am to 5pm
In order to centralise storage for the upcoming Hunts Creek Bridge project, Council’s contractor Abergeldie will establish a compound in the open reserve at 28A Bourke Street adjacent to the intersection of Jeffrey Avenue, North Parramatta.

This large compound will hold materials and equipment etc and will be in place until completion of the project in late-2025.

It is expected that there will be some noise from machinery throughout the construction period and intermittent traffic disruption. However, once the compound is secure, it is unlikely that use of the compound will cause any significant disruption.

Works program:

From Monday 5 August to Friday 16 August 2024 there will be truck movements and minor noise from machinery through the site compound establishment period.

During the construction of the compound, work will be between 7am and 5pm each day.

Delivery of concrete bridge planks will take place from Monday 19 August 2024 through to Wednesday 21 August 2024. Delivery trucks and a crane will be in operation from 6am to 5pm.

City of Parramatta will make every effort to complete this work as quickly, and safely, as possible. We appreciate there may be some inconvenience and ask for your patience.

More information:

Please direct any enquiries to or contact our Capital Projects team via our Customer Contact Centre on 1300 617 058.

For urgent matters relating to the construction of the compound, and outside business hours, please contact Abergeldie’s Senior Project Engineer, Sam Heng on 0498 648 141.


Major works update

Work on Hunts Creek Bridge is now expected to begin in September, subject to formal review and approval from Transport for NSW (TfNSW).

While discussions with TfNSW continue, work on Hunts Creek Bridge is now being planned as a series of nightworks and weekend road closures. This revised program will reduce the northbound closure of North Rocks Road from five months to one month.

Due to the scale and complexity of the work, regrettably noise and disruption will be unavoidable. However, we will keep the community informed, and work closely with our contractors and TfNSW to minimise the impact to residents, businesses and motorists as best we can.

At this stage, we anticipate road occupancy approvals being granted by TfNSW in August 2024. Once these approvals are granted, City of Parramatta will re-activate its communications program to ensure the community is aware of the new project schedule and can adequately plan to prepare for the upcoming works and associated disruptions.

Please direct any enquiries to


Project update June 2024

In February 2024, we advised the community of planned work for Hunts Creek Bridge. 

Hunts Creek Bridge is an extremely complex project which requires partial road closures and extensive detours. 

When Transport for NSW approved preliminary works in March, we anticipated the major works program would commence in May and require North Rocks Road between Windsor Road / Church Street and the Woolworths carpark driveway to become one-way for five months. To prepare residents, businesses and motorists for the change, City of Parramatta began communicating with the community to raise awareness around the upcoming works and the proposed alternative arrangements.

City of Parramatta is still in discussions with Transport for NSW about the major works program. Together, we’re looking for ways to reduce the impact on neighbouring businesses and residents of North Rocks Road and create a program that results in fewer disruptions for motorists. 

Following recent discussions with Transport for NSW, City of Parramatta believes with a series of scheduled nightworks and a program of weekend road closures, we can reduce the partial northbound closure of North Rocks Road to one month.

At this stage, we anticipate work will begin late-August 2024. As soon as Transport for NSW provides the relevant approvals to allow for program details to be confirmed, City of Parramatta will re-activate its communications program to ensure the community is aware of the new Hunts Creek Bridge schedule of works and can plan to avoid the area if possible or allow extra travel time. 

Please continue to direct enquiries to

North Rocks Road upgrade – a new $11.5M bridge at Hunts Creek, North Parramatta

A new $11.5M single-span concrete bridge and associated roadworks will be constructed at Hunts Creek on North Rocks Road, North Parramatta. 

The upgrade will be completed over 12 months* with altered traffic arrangements in place for the duration of the program. 

This work will see the replacement of the twin pipe culverts which are now at the end of their serviceable life and construction of a new bridge. While some disruption will be unavoidable, this work is necessary to ensure the safety of our community, and every effort will be made to minimise traffic congestion and impact on residents. 

*The schedule is subject to Transport for NSW approvals, weather, contractor availability, material supply, and site conditions.


Key Works

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Piling works and utility installations (TBC)

While final approval is to be confirmed by Transport for NSW, City of Parramatta expects to begin piling works within the next few months. These works will likely take place for approximately eight (8) weeks (weather permitting) and will be carried out in the evenings Monday to Saturday between 8pm and 5am. Traffic Controllers will divert motorists around the works and the road will be reinstated to usual conditions by 5am.  


Bridge and road works – major works program (TBC)

Initially planned for May to September, subject to Transport for NSW approvals, major construction on Hunts Creek Bridge, North Rocks Road is now expected to commence mid-2024. It is anticipated that during the program a section of North Rocks Road, from the Church Street/Windsor Road entrance to the Woolworths driveway at The Mills Centre will become one-way (southbound). 

While further advice will be provided once the works have been confirmed, it is anticipated that detours will be in place and northbound vehicles will be diverted away from North Rocks Road onto James Ruse Drive and Pennant Hills Road.

Motorists will be advised to avoid the area if they can, allow extra travel time, and expect delays. It is anticipated the full detour (refer to map) will add approximately 20 to 30 minutes to travel time. 

This is essential work required to keep our community safe. Along with our specialist contractors, City of Parramatta will be developing a works program designed to keep disruption on North Rocks Road to a minimum. The plan is for the northbound lane to re-open to traffic as soon as possible, allowing motorists to travel as usual, while works continue. The project is scheduled to be completed by April 2025*.  


Detour map from late-August 2024 (TBC)


May detours for Hunts Creek Bridge


A new bridge

The new bridge will replace the existing twin stormwater culverts originally built around 1965, which have reached the end of their serviceable life. 

The new bridge will be 14.4m in length and will span approximately 28m. It will integrate into the existing geometry of North Rocks Road and will carry two lanes of traffic in the southbound direction and one lane of traffic in the northbound direction. A 3m-wide shared pedestrian and cycle path will feature on the eastern side of the bridge, and a 3.6m-wide shared path will be installed on the western side.

The removal of the culverts will increase the stormwater capacity of the creek, potentially improving the flood conditions on North Rocks Road. The upgrade will also provide improved local cycling and pedestrian connections.

Late-August 2024 

With program details and timings to be confirmed by Transport for NSW, it is expected that the Hunts Creek Bridge work will include:

  • Partial closure of North Rocks Road – southbound traffic only.  The temporary closure of the northbound lane on North Rocks Road is limited to the section between Windsor Road / Church Street to the southern side of the driveway at Woolworths/The Mills Centre. From the northern side of the driveway, North Rocks Road will be maintained as two-way.
  • Detours will direct northbound vehicles onto James Ruse Drive and Pennant Hills Road - an additional travel time of approximately 20 to 30 minutes is anticipated
  • No left turn into North Rocks Road from Windsor Road
  • No right turn into North Rocks Road from Church Street
  • No right turn from the Woolworths carpark out onto North Rocks Road. Vehicles exiting Woolworths onto North Rocks Road will be restricted to turning left (northbound). No right turn permitted
  • Pedestrian access along North Rocks Road will be maintained. 

The schedule is subject to Transport for NSW approvals, weather, contractor availability, material supply, and site conditions.

Residents and commuters are advised to check Live Traffic for updates.

Previously completed works
  • Night works were undertaken from 27 February to 12 March with work taking place Monday to Saturday from 8pm to 5am. During the program, which focused on mapping utilities, two-way traffic was maintained with traffic controllers diverting traffic around the works. All lanes on North Rocks Road were reinstated by 5am allowing motorists to use the road as normal.


More information

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For more information on the Hunts Creek Bridge project, please contact Council’s Capital Works team on 1300 617 058 or email

For urgent or after-hours enquiries relating to the construction works, please contact Abergeldie Contractors, Sam Heng on 0498 648 141.

See Live Traffic for updates.

The $11.5M Hunts Creek Bridge project is jointly funded by the Australian and State Governments in association with the City of Parramatta Council.

Hunts Creek Project funding logos

Frequently Asked Questions

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See a list of frequently asked questions below broken down by topic

What is happening at Hunts Creek
  • While preliminary works began in February 2024, the rest of the program is subject to advice and approval from Transport for NSW. It is anticipated that Council will recommence works in mid-2024. Council plans to remove the twin stormwater culverts at Hunts Creek Bridge on North Rocks Road and replace them with a new single-span bridge which will carry three lanes of traffic and 3m-wide shared cycle and pedestrian paths either side. 

    Work will be completed in four (4) stages with detours and altered traffic arrangements in place throughout the 12-month construction program. The schedule is subject to weather, contractor availability, material supply, and site conditions. 

  • The replacement of Hunts Creek Bridge is essential work required to ensure the safety of our community. The existing twin stormwater culverts (circa 1965) are reaching the end of their serviceable life and a bridge upgrade is necessary. 

    We appreciate there will be some disruption and apologise for any inconvenience. City of Parramatta will work closely with its specialist contractors to see the works completed as quickly as possible and restore bi-directional travel on North Rocks Road as soon as we can. 

    It is planned that the bridge will be closed to northbound traffic during the major works and a detour will be in operation for part of the major works program. It is expected that North Rocks Road will be one-way (southbound) from Windsor Road/Church Street to the southern side of the driveway at Woolworths/The Mills Centre. From the northern side of the driveway, North Rocks Road will be maintained as two-way. Council will undertake to open North Rocks Road to bi-directional traffic as soon as possible. It is expected work will continue with some disruption to traffic expected until the entire project is completed in April 2025.

    Please note when the detour is in operation, when exiting the Mills Centre, there will be no right turn from the Woolworths carpark out onto North Rocks Road. Vehicles exiting Woolworths onto North Rocks Road, will be restricted to turning left (northbound) only. No right turn.  

  • In early 2024, Council began installing signage and communicating with residents and motorists about the planned changes to North Rocks Road and construction on Hunts Creek Bridge.
    While Transport for NSW is yet to confirm final details of the works program and timings, Council anticipates that from late-August 2024 work will recommence on Hunts Creek Bridge and that during the works only one southbound lane will operate for a period of time. 
    During this work it is expected that Traffic Controllers will be in place to divert traffic around the worksite and a detour will be in operation for northbound traffic.
    Council will provide additional information once the program is confirmed. However it is expected that changed traffic conditions will include:

    • no left turn into North Rocks Roach from Windsor Road
    • no right turn into North Rocks Road from Church Street. 
    • a detour will direct northbound vehicles away from North Rocks Road into James Ruse Drive and Pennant Hills Road
    • the detour is expected to add 20 to 30 minutes to travel time.

    Residents will be advised to avoid the area if possible, allow extra travel time and to expect delays. 

Hunts Creek Bridge
  • The existing twin stormwater culverts in Hunts Creek were originally constructed around 1965 and are nearing the end of their serviceable life. Although remediation works have been carried out, the latest in 2019, these works were temporary and only intended to address immediate issues and provide adequate time for investigation and design development of the permanent replacement solution.

    The new bridge will replace the existing culverts to support the new road and wider shared paths either side. The removal of the culverts will also improve flood conditions on North Rocks Road.

    The new share paths will improve local pedestrian and cycling access.

Work Programs
  • Stage 1 preliminary works February to March 2024

    27 February to 12 March 2024 – utilities investigations

    From 27 February 2024, a two-week program of night works were undertaken. Carried out between 8pm and 5am, the focus of the work was on utility mapping and road marking.

    While two-way traffic was maintained Traffic Controllers closed one lane and diverted traffic around the works.

    Motorists were advised to reduce speed and take extra care while moving through the work zone. 

    North Rocks Road was reinstated by 5am each morning allowing motorists to use the road as usual throughout the day. 

    Late-August 2024 - piling works and utility installations (TBC)

    • While final approval is to be confirmed by Transport for NSW, City of Parramatta expects work on Hunts Creek Bridge to resume in late-August 2024. The next stage of works is planned as nightworks. 
    • For potentially eight (8) weeks (weather permitting) it is anticipated that work will be carried out in the evenings Monday to Saturday between 8pm and 5am. Traffic Controllers will divert motorists around the worksite. The road will be reinstated to usual conditions by 5am.
    • Motorists will be advised to reduce speed and take extra care while moving through the work zone.  

    Stage 2  Late-August 2024  

    • While final approval is to be confirmed by Transport for NSW, City of Parramatta expects work on Hunts Creek Bridge to resume in late-August 2024.
    • The next stage of works is planned as day and nightworks potentially with a partial closure of North Rocks Road – open to southbound traffic only – for a period of time

    Council will provide additional information once the program is confirmed. However, it is expected that changed traffic conditions will include:

    • no left turn into North Rocks Roach from Windsor Road
    • no right turn into North Rocks Road from Church Street
    • a detour in place for part of the program directing northbound vehicles away from North Rocks Road into James Ruse Drive and Pennant Hills Road
    • the detour is expected to add 20 to 30 minutes to travel time.

    Residents will be advised to avoid the area if possible, allow extra travel time and to expect delays.


    Stage 3  Late-2024 to early-2025 (TBC)

    • Involves the installation of utilities and the removal of stormwater culverts.
    • Construction of the new bridge to the eastern-most lanes of North Rocks Road will begin. 
    • One northbound, and one southbound lane will be open along North Rocks Road. 
    • Vehicles exiting Woolworths will be able to turn either direction onto North Rocks Road.
    • Expect some delays.

    Stage 4 Mid 2025 (TBC)

    • Involves the completion of remaining utility works, the completion of modifications to the existing traffic control signals and construction of the new, wider footpaths/bike paths either side of the bridge. 
    • Vehicles will be able to travel both northbound and southbound along North Rocks Road, with temporary traffic control in place to facilitate construction activity as required. 
    • Expect some delays.
    • 7am-5pm Monday to Friday

    • 8am-5pm Saturday

    • No work on Sundays or public holidays.

    Certain work may need to occur outside of standard hours. Out of hours work is required in some cases to minimise disruptions to motorists, pedestrians and nearby sensitive receivers. Residents will be informed when works are anticipated to be conducted outside of standard hours. 

  • Certain work may need to occur outside of standard hours. Out of hours work is required in some cases to minimise disruptions to motorists, pedestrians and nearby sensitive receivers. Residents will be informed when works are anticipated to be conducted outside of standard hours.

    Nightworks are expected to take place as part of the major works program (to be confirmed by Transport for NSW). City of Parramatta has proposed that two-way traffic be maintained during nightworks and that work take place from 8pm to 5am with North Rocks Road being reinstated to normal traffic flow by 5am.

    Where possible, the most noise-intensive works will be scheduled to take place before 11.30pm with noise mitigation measures in place throughout the work. 

  • Stage 2 of the project is not yet confirmed by Transport for NSW, however we anticipate key changes will include:

    • Partial closure of North Rocks Road – southbound travel only. North Rocks Road will be one-way from Windsor Road / Church Street to the southern side of the driveway at Woolworths/The Mills Centre. From the northern side of the driveway, North Rocks Road will be maintained as two-way.
    • Detours will direct northbound vehicles onto James Ruse Drive and Pennant Hills Road
    • No left turn into North Rocks Road from Windsor Road
    • No right into North Rocks Road from Church Street
    • No right turn from the Woolworths carpark out onto North Rocks Road. Vehicles exiting Woolworths onto North Rocks Road, will be restricted to turning left (northbound) only.

    Residents and commuters are advised to check Live Traffic for updates.

  • A variety of equipment will be on site throughout the program including piling rigs, cranes, excavators and trucks. Where possible, noise intensive works will be scheduled during normal business hours. However, there may be instances where noise intensive works may need to be undertaken out of hours to expedite project delivery. 

    Council and contractors will take steps to reduce noise on site and ensure appropriate noise and dust suppression measures are taken. Sediment control protocols will also be in place to reduce the impact of construction on Hunts Creek. 

  • While not yet confirmed by Transport for NSW, it is anticipated that once the work begins to replace the twin stormwater culverts on North Rocks Road there will be a period of time when North Rocks Road will become one way (southbound) with a detour in place for northbound traffic.

    It is expected that during the major works program North Rocks Road will become southbound only from Windsor Road to south of the Woolworths carpark driveway. Northbound traffic will be diverted to James Ruse Drive and Pennant Hills Road.

    To assist with traffic management, Council will signpost Bettington Road and Stratham Avenue for use by vehicles up to 8-Tonnes.

    Vehicles more than 8-Tonne will be directed to continue eastbound along Pennant Hills Road to Cumberland Highway/Pennant Hills Road to access North Rocks Road. 

    City of Parramatta will provide more information once the work program is confirmed.

  • Once major works on North Rocks Road and Hunts Creek Bridge begin, Transport for NSW may activate a detour around the work, temporarily closing North Rocks Road to northbound traffic. For this time, vehicles less than 8-Tonne will be directed to James Ruse Drive and Pennant Hills Road. The approximate 20 to 30 min detour will see vehicles use Bettington Road and Stratham Avenue to access the northern end of North Rocks Road. 

    Bettington Road and Stratham Avenue have been assessed as being in good condition and safe for temporary use by vehicles with a gross vehicle mass (including any load) of up to 8-Tonne. This includes light rigid vehicles such as mini-buses seating up to 12 including the driver, and mid-sized trucks and vans.

    Immediately prior to the construction works on Hunts Creek Bridge beginning, new signs will be placed on Pennant Hills Road (eastbound only) at Bettington Road, and on Bettington Road (northbound) at Felton Street. These signs will guide vehicles up to 8-Tonne travelling on Pennant Hills Road (eastbound) on a detour to North Rocks Road north of the construction site. 

    Vehicles above 8-Tonne will continue eastbound along Pennant Hills Road to Cumberland Highway/Pennant Hills Road to access North Rocks Road. 

    Throughout and following the completion of the Hunts Creek Bridge project, City of Parramatta will undertake further assessments of Bettington Road and Stratham Avenue to ensure road conditions have not deteriorated as a result of heavier use during the detour.

    More information will be provided once Transport for NSW confirms the details of the program.

  • For enquiries around traffic management, please contact Council’s Traffic team via Customer Service on 1300 617 058 or email 

    To report oversized vehicles (more than 8-Tonne) using Bettington Road or Stratham Avenue during the construction period, or for other concerns about prohibited activity including illegal parking, please contact the Customer Service team on 1300 617 058 and complete a service request for City of Parramatta Rangers to investigate.  

  • During the Hunts Creek Bridge works program (details and dates yet to be confirmed by Transport for NSW) it is expected that North Rocks Road will be one way (southbound) from Windsor Road to south of the Woolworths carpark driveway on North Rocks Road for a period of time. 

    During the major works program northbound vehicles will be detoured around the construction site via James Ruse Drive or Pennant Hills Road. 

    Vehicles above 8-Tonne will continue eastbound along Pennant Hills Road to Cumberland Highway/Pennant Hills Road to access North Rocks Road. 

    City of Parramatta will provide more information once the program is confirmed. 

  • There are specific rules that apply to load limited roads which truck operators are well aware of. Where Load Limits currently apply, these will remain in place and will be monitored as part of Council’s normal regulatory program. City of Parramatta will also continue to promote the upcoming major works and advice when the works will require northbound traffic to divert from North Rocks Road and use either James Ruse Drive or Pennant Hills Road.   

  • Our specialist contractor will work closely with residents who live on North Rocks Road to ensure access to their property is maintained and to assist where possible. This major roads project will be challenging, but is essential to ensure the safety of our community.

    It is envisaged that this work will require North Rocks Road to become one-way for part of the construction project. 

    For a period of time, North Rocks Road will be one-way (southbound only) from Church Street/Windsor Road to Woolworths/the Mills Centre and a detour will be in place. However, City of Parramatta and Transport for NSW will be seeking ways to complete this work as quickly as possible to reduce disruption to our community.

    We will be continuing to work with our consultants and Transport for NSW to reduce the program as much as possible.   

  • Council will be liaising with Transport for NSW and emergency services to create an appropriate plan for vehicle access.

  • Parents and Guardians who usually travel along North Rocks Road with their children will need to be aware of the partial road closure and the detour for northbound traffic. If driving, please allow extra travel time and expect delays. 

    Please note school buses will also be affected by the detour. Further information on bus services will be provided soon. Pedestrian access along North Rocks Road will be maintained. 

    Residents and commuters are advised to check Live Traffic for updates.

  • Private and NSW Government buses are expected to be affected with changes to timetables anticipated. Further advice from Transport for NSW will be provided shortly. Taxis along with all vehicles will be restricted to southbound travel on North Rocks Road.

  • While the project details and timeline are yet to be confirmed by Transport for NSW we are anticipating partial road closures and detours from late-August to December 2024.

    During the construction program, a shared path for pedestrians and cyclists will be maintained on one side of North Rocks Road. To begin with this will this will be on the eastern side of North Rocks Road, and during the later stage of the works this will be on the western side of North Rocks Road.

    The signalised pedestrian crossing of North Rocks Road at Hunts Creek Bridge will not be operational during construction. Pedestrians and cyclists will be able to use the signalised crossing at the adjacent intersection of North Rocks Road, Windsor Road and Church Street intersection, which is located approximately 100 metres south-west of the project site.

    Traffic Controllers will assis in managing traffic flow to enable pedestrians and cyclists safe access and will block pedestrians from crossing the site access when trucks are entering or leaving the project site.

    The letterboxing and social media which began last week is the first stage of planned communications. While current information mainly deals with the upcoming night works (February 27 to March 12)  it does introduce some information about the entire project which is expected to take 12 months to complete. Once details are confirmed, we will be providing residents and businesses with more information on Stage 2 which is expected to begin in late-August.

    Transport NSW and our contractors are to provide specific information about the closure, detour and arrangements for vehicles and public transport, in addition to more details for cyclists and pedestrian access.

    City of Parramatta will be providing updates on its website and will be communicating with residents and businesses via letter, social media and advertising to increase awareness around the project and highlight alternative arrangements. We will also be working with stakeholders and our specialist contractors to try and reduce the length of the project to minimise impact on the community.

  • While the program is yet to be confirmed, it is anticipated that for part of the major works program North Rocks Road will be one way (southbound only) and this will require access to the Mills Centre to change.

    For the portion of the construction program where northbound traffic is being diverted to James Ruse Drive and Pennant Hills Road, motorists will have to travel southbound on North Rocks Road to enter the Mills Centre. 

     When exiting the centre, there will be no right turn from the Woolworths carpark out onto North Rocks Road. Vehicles exiting Woolworths onto North Rocks Road, will be restricted to turning left (northbound) only. 

    Residents and commuters are advised to check Live Traffic for updates.

Planning and Environment
  • The Hunts Creek Bridge project is being undertaken in accordance with State Environmental Planning Policy (Transport and Infrastructure) 2021, and therefore, is permissible without development consent under Part 5 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act.

  • Since undertaking temporary stabilisation works to the existing culverts in late 2019, the City of Parramatta has been actively developing the most appropriate solution for replacement of the ageing stormwater culverts. This has been a very complex and time-intensive process. Throughout design development, Council’s underlying aim has always been to minimise the project’s impact on businesses and residents, and utilities, and to develop a construction program that minimises disruption as much as possible.  Council will continue to work with neighbouring businesses, Transport for NSW and our specialist consultants and contractors to deliver the new bridge as efficiently as possible to minimise impact on residents and our community. 

  • The main focus of this project is to remove and replace the ageing twin stormwater culverts at Hunts Creek Bridge. However, some of the environmental benefits of the planned new single-span concrete bridge will be improved stormwater retention in Hunts Creek and helping to minimise flooding on North Rocks Road. The new bridge will also support 3m wide shared pedestrian and cycling paths either side to improve options for active transport.

    In terms of improved environmental outcomes for the creek itself, during construction there will be sediment controls and other environmental sustainability protocols to minimise silt and ensure there are no elements of concern introduced into the waterway, fish paths will also be maintained. There will be a clean-up of the vegetation at the bridge site with non-native and environmental weed species, ground cover as well as some canopy trees removed.  Planned additional works outside the scope of the demolition and construction of the new bridge will include cleaning and removal of debris, removal of weeds and non-native vegetation.  The site will be progressively rehabilitated at the end of each stage of the construction. Work will include the rehabilitation and revegetation of disturbed areas including revegetation within the riparian areas to stabilise the creek banks.

    Council will investigate clean-up works including vegetation along the creek separate to the Hunts Creek Bridge project.

Project Cost
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