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Stage 1 information gathering

City of Parramatta Council is reviewing flood modelling around Haslams Creek. We’re asking the community to help by sharing their experiences of flooding.

Why a flood study?

To enable the Hill Road Upgrade project, City of Parramatta Council is about to begin a flood study for the Haslams Creek catchment area. The study will take in the areas of the Carter Street Precinct, Lidcombe, Newington, Sydney Olympic Park, and Wentworth Point.

Flood studies allow Council, Emergency Services and the community to identify the risks from different size flood events, from small floods up to the largest possible flood. New technology allows flood models to map flooding from overflowing rivers, creeks and dams, as well as overland flooding – the water from stormwater systems that can contribute to flooding in our community.

City of Parramatta can use this information for planning, and to introduce infrastructure to address flooding. Council, Emergency Services, and residents can also make plans to manage our response to flooding and keep our community safe.

How to help build a new flood model

In November 2024, Council asked residents to contribute to stage 1 of the Haslams Creek flood study by providing information and pictures of local flooding.

Stage 1 (information collection) closed on 11 December 2024.

Community's input in late 2025, City of Parramatta will share a draft flood model, asking for the communities input in order to refine and finalise Stage 2 of the flood study.

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Participating in this flood study does not imply that your home is flood affected. Any information you provide will assist Council understand any existing local flooding problems and help us plan and resolve, or reduce, the impact of flooding in your area.

Your feedback will inform our work to understand the flood risk along Haslams Creek and develop more accurate flood models that will help protect Lidcombe, Silverwater, Newington, Sydney Olympic Park and Wentworth Point communities.  

How will your information be used?

City of Parramatta Council complies with the NSW Floodplain Risk Management guidelines which details the work councils must do to understand and mitigate the impacts of flooding on their communities.

All submissions at any stage of the flood study will be treated confidentially. 

The information you provide will only be used to improve our understanding of flood risk.  Personal contact details will not be shared outside of this project and no information will be disclosed public or provided to any other parties except for our flood specialist consultants who may wish to discuss your submission.

For more information, you can call City of Parramatta on 1300 617 058 and ask to speak with the Haslams Creek project team. 

You can also email the team via Please add Haslams Creek Flood Study to the subject line.

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