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Business Sustainability Opportunities

Supporting our businesses to become more sustainable

City of Parramatta provides a range of support to local businesses to become more sustainable:


  • Running a small business from home or renting a small warehouse or workshop? Feeling the pinch of increased electricity and gas bills? Our Small Business Sustainability Program can help you save costs and improve your bottom line whilst also reducing waste and environmental impact. Give your products and services an environmental edge in the market.

    To get involved, register your interest via email to

  • Thinking of running an environmental clean-up, tree planting or similar event with your staff at work?

    Council can provide general assistance to local businesses especially around the national Clean Up Australia Day and National Tree Day events.


    Contact City of Parramatta's Natural Resource Team:

    Phone: (02) 9806 8292


  • Planet Ark’s Business Recycling Near You website is Australia's most comprehensive online database that helps small to medium businesses find recycling collection and support services for the workplace.

    Business Recycle Near You

    General Recycle Near You

    For Council support relating to business waste and recycling contact Council’s Commercial Waste Team:

    Phone: (02) 9806 8296


Save Power Kits for loan

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The Save Power Kits includes power monitoring equipment to help you identify where you are using power and where you can be saving power (and reducing your greenhouse gas emissions).

Kit types

There are two types of kit you can borrow:

The Save Power kit contains range of practical tools including a power monitor to work out how much power your appliances are using, an infrared thermometer to check for drafts and a thermometer to test heating and cooling as well as a stopwatch and compass

The Power Mate kit has a single energy meter to measure how much energy your appliances use. It can also tell you how much your electricity costs for each appliance. Even when an appliance is on standby it can draw power, adding extra costs to bills unnecessarily.

Kit locations

Kits are available to adult library members for 1 week and must be returned in person.

Library branch # Save Power Kit (black) # PowerMate Kit (white)
Carlingford 2 2
Constitution Hill 1 2
Dundas 1 1
Epping 2 2
Ermington 1 1
Parramatta 6 6

A program to help people save power and money is now available for loan at City of Parramatta Library and its branches as part of the NSW Government’s Home Energy Action Program.

Workshops and events

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Council offers a range of community workshops and events on topics such as:

  • worm farming and composting
  • green cleaning
  • going plastic free
  • growing your own food
  • cycle safety and maintenance.

For details on upcoming events visit and like our Liveable Parramatta Facebook page.

Walking and cycling

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Council has developed a network of cycleways to support cycling around the City for both commuters and recreational riders.

There are a range of bushwalks, historic walks and walking pathways within Parramatta. Check out our walking page to plan your next walking adventure.

Upcoming events