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Development Contributions and Planning Agreements

Development Contributions for Local Infrastructure

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City of Parramatta Council collects development contributions under a range of plans to fund infrastructure for the community including parks, libraries, traffic and transport infrastructure. The funding of local infrastructure is assisted in part by developer contributions known as Section 7.11 or Section 7.12 contributions.

News Alert

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Council at its meeting of 22 April 2024 resolved to adopt housekeeping amendments to the Parramatta City Centre Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2022. Parramatta City Centre Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2022 (Amendment No.2) will be effective from 29 April 2024 onwards.

Contribution Plans

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Council has two (2) contribution plans currently in effect one applies to land within the Parramatta CBD. The other applies to the rest of the LGA. A map showing the application of each plan is provided here.

Current Contribution Plans
Former Contribution Plans
Frequently asked questions
  • Contribution fees are put towards funding development-generated demand for local infrastructure within the Parramatta Local Government Area. These fees fund infrastructure works such as open space/outdoor recreation, indoor sports courts, community facilities, aquatic facilities, traffic & transport, and plan administration to meet the needs of the existing and future population. More details on these types of contributions are shown in the Works Program Appendices of each Contribution Plan.

  • The Development Contributions Plan map shows where each development contributions plan applies.

  • A Development Application or Complying Development Certificate often requires a payment of a contribution fee. Requirements for development contributions fee payment are shown within a condition of consent.

    Accredited certifiers are responsible for ensuring that a condition is imposed on a complying development certificate per the relevant Contributions Plan. They must notify the Council of their determination within two (2) days of making the determination, in accordance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021. Applicants must pay their contribution before commencing the complying development works.

  • Yes. These are listed in the plan relevant to that area and development category.  If your development is exempt from development contributions, this is stated in the Development Application (DA) or Complying Development Certificate (CDC) assessment.

  • Contributions rates and outstanding feeds are indexed by Council on a quarterly basis in accordance with the All Groups (Sydney) Consumer Price Index (CPI) released by the Australia Bureau of Statistics (ABS) every 3 months. The CPI releases dates by the ABS generally occur in late January, late April, late July and late October each year. For more information on CPI refer to the ABS website.  

  • Please visit Live Contributions Fees Register to confirm the amount payable prior to making payment, as contributions are subject to indexation. Please note that the contribution amounts displayed in Live Contribution Fees Register are typically accurate only on the day searched and may be subject to further indexation in accordance with movements in the consumer price index.

    Your development consent outlines when to pay contributions. This is usually before the issue of a Construction Certificate or Subdivision Certificate (whichever comes first) or before any work commences for a Complying Development Certificate.

    To pay, please go to Council’s website and select Online Services > Make a Payment > Applications Payment and include your current payment amount and application number for your DA or CDC.

    Once paid, the funds are held in Council’s financial reserves for use on projects listed within the Works Program of each Development Contributions plan.

    For cases where no contribution data is shown, or you are seeking information about a specific development contribution matter, including payment receipts, please email Council at or contact the Council’s Customer Service Team on 1300 617 058 to confirm your Application number and the indexed contribution amount.

  • Accredited private certifiers have the same obligations as the Council when issuing Complying Development Certificates.

    Private certifiers are required to impose a condition of consent to pay contributions and ensure that contributions have been paid.

Contributions Register

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Council maintains a Development Contributions Register (for updated contribution figures please use the Live Contributions Fees Register) in accordance with Section 217 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Regulation 2021.  Due to volume, the information provided is limited to 5 years worth of development application and complying development approvals. Should you require information about older applications, please email your enquiry to

DISCLAIMER:  While every effort is made to provide accurate information within the development contributions register it is noted that some errors or misdescriptions may occur. As such, this information should not be solely relied upon. If you are seeking information about a specific development contribution matter, please email your enquiry to

Planning Agreements

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Planning Agreements are a voluntary legal agreement entered into between Council and a developer in conjunction with Council's consideration of a:

  • Planning Proposal (rezoning application)
  • Development Application; or
  • Complying Development Certificate

Where the developer agrees to dedicate land free of cost, pay a monetary contribution, or provide any other material benefit such as transport or other infrastructure, public amenities or services, affordable housing or improvements to the natural environment, to be used for or applied towards a public purpose. 

Planning Agreements can either be in lieu of or in addition to a development contribution payment, and this will form part of the negotiation. 

Any land to be dedicated to the Council and public as a part of a Planning Agreement must consider Council's Land Dedication Policy, which aims to ensure that only suitable land is dedicated to Council, that will provide quality infrastructure, cost effective maintenance, opportunities, and services to meet diverse community needs and expectations. 

Council has adopted the Parramatta Voluntary Planning Agreements Policy and Parramatta Land Dedication Policy.

Please refer to these policies when considering entering into a planning agreement with the City of Parramatta.

Planning Agreements Register

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Council maintains a Planning Agreements Register in accordance with Section 206 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Regulation 2021. This can be viewed as an interactive spatial map, or alternatively a pdf list

DISCLAIMER: While every effort is made to provide accurate information within the planning agreements register it is noted that some errors or misdescriptions may occur. As such, this information should not be solely relied upon. If you are seeking information about a specific development contribution matter, please email your enquiry to

Making a VPA Offer

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If you wish to make an offer to Council to enter into a Planning Agreement the offer should be made using Council’s letter of offer template.

Council has also prepared template documents for the draft legal agreement and explanatory note which must be prepared as part of the Planning Agreement process and which should be reviewed before you make any offer to Council.

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