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Development application (DA)

Motor Vehicle License Application

Wholesale Motor Dealer's licence - Request for letter for Fair Trading NSW


What is a Wholesale Motor Dealer's Licence?

The Department of Fair Trading requires those who wish to engage in the wholesale of motor vehicles to obtain a Wholesale Motor Dealer’s Licence. As part of this process, the local Council must be informed of the application and given the opportunity to comment on the proposal prior to a licensing application being considered by the Department of Fair Trading.


Is Approval from Council required?

If the proposed activity complies with the definition requirements listed above, no planning consent is required. However, you are required to submit to Council in writing your intention to operate as a Wholesale Motor Dealer and provide relevant details to demonstrate compliance with the specific definition.


Is it necessary to discuss the application with a Council officer?  

If you are unclear as to whether your business complies with the wholesale motor dealers licence requirements you should contact the Duty Town Planner to seek further advice.


I am ready to apply for a Wholesale Motor Dealer's Licence?

Your intention to operate a Wholesale Motor Dealer must be signed by ALL owners of the subject site. Complete this application form. Provide details of how your proposal will satisfy ALL the requirements outlined in the Wholesaler Motor Dealer definition. Include a site plan and floor plan indicating where your Motor Dealer will be operating.



Motor Dealer’s Licence – Letter for Fair Trading $104.50


How to Lodge this request?

Email form to:
Click the link to open the form: here


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