City of Parramatta regulates businesses in the sex and adult-entertainment industries including:
- brothels
- strip clubs
- swingers clubs
- adult cinemas
We require extra information from these businesses for a development application.
Required information
(Back to top)In addition to the standard information required for a DA these businesses also need to provide to following information.
Statement of environmental effects
(Back to top)Any expected impact of the development on the environment, adjoining premises or the public, needs to be detailed in a statement of environmental effects.
Details must include:
- number and role of all staff
- description of the activities that are proposed to be undertaken at the premises
- hours of operation
- number of rooms in premises
- identification of the rooms to be used for the proposed activities
Plan information
(Back to top)The plans or drawings must clearly show:
Location plan
The location plan drawn to scale with the proximity of the site to:
- churches
- hospitals
- schools
- community facilities
- parks
- other sex services premises
- licensed premises in residential properties
- or any other place readily frequented by children for recreational or cultural pursuits.
The location plan must identify specified uses within 200 metres of the proposed sex services site, measured as a radius from the closest boundary or of the allotment of the proposed sex services site.
Detailed floor plan
Detailed floor plans/elevation/sections must show:
- the use of each room, including staff areas and reception areas
- all sanitary facilities, including toilets, showers and hand basins
- details of any spas or swimming pools
- entrances to and exits from the building
- details of food preparation areas
- details of contaminated waste storage
- any on-site laundry facilities
- any proposed building alterations or additions (a construction certificate application may also be required)
- proposed external colour scheme if there are plans to change it
- access for people with a disability, including accessible entries and exits, sanitary facilities, shower pathway and circulation details
- details of any advertising signs or structures
- details of existing and proposed external lighting
Plan of management
(Back to top)Information addressing all necessary considerations including:
Business details
- name and contact details of the operator(s) and manager(s)
- ABN, registered business name, trading name and insurance
- record keeping procedures for employees
- procedure for recording and dealing with complaints regarding the operation of the premises or the behaviour of visitors arriving or leaving the premises.
All of the above information, approvals for the establishment of the premises and the Plan of Management must be available to the public and kept on the premises at all times.
Confidential information on employee details is not expected to be released to the public.
The consent authority must be advised of any changes in ownership, management, registered business on trading name during the period of consent.
Safety and security
(Back to top)Detail systems ensuring safety for staff and visitors including:
- risk management procedures appropriate to the service provisions (e.g. accident and injury, violent behaviour)
- the number and role of security personnel
- procedures for the safe handling of money
- the method of surveillance of common areas; and
- monitoring of alarms.
Induction and training
(Back to top)Staff training and induction procedures and emergency evaluation procedures.
Health access
(Back to top)Details on:
- access arrangement for the attendance of health service providers must be detailed
- health and safety policies for workers together with incident reports and an accident register.
Cleaning and cleanliness
(Back to top)Details of:
- cleaning systems
- the surface materials of equipment and facilities including stages, sling room facilities, etc
- cleaning products and equipment
- identified cleaning areas for equipment and other removable items
- cleaning procedures including staff allocations
- cleaning and management systems for swimming pools and spas and douching.
(Back to top)Details for:
- disposing of commercial waste
- managing the safe disposal of sharps.
(Back to top)Detail of all specialist equipment, including information on how it is to be used, and how it is to be cleaned and maintained.